Chapter 4

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Song: "What I've Done" by Linkin Park

You take the right, I'll go left." I told Melanie, pushing off the wall and starting towards the back entrance of the place we were supposed to be robbing.

Melanie nodded, but stopped to say something.

"Hey, Alexa... be careful, alright?"

I nodded my head and started walking again my knife drawn at the ready.

My footsteps were silent as I placed my weight lightly around me, only stepping along the areas of cobblestone free of twigs, leaves, and dirt.

5 years. That's how long I'd been with these four idiots.

Mission after mission, job after job, holiday after holiday, we were together. Working together.

I almost thought it might last.

But there was this nagging in the back of my head that told me nothing great ever lasts forever, it was a sad truth.

I stepped along my tippy-toes, scanning the latticed window searching for signs of people inside.

It looked empty from the outside looking-in.

I sighed softly and continued on. Hoping for a back door along the way.

There was a soft groan of a wooden door being opened and I ducked hiding behind a thistle of brush.

With even breathing I glanced up, scanning the area for whoever had opened the door.

Footsteps came rushing towards me and I held my knife tightly, pointing the hilt of it outwards so whoever was about to infiltrate my hide-out could easily be taken care of.

I jumped out to meet the person, holding my hand up to slam the hilt on the top of their head.

"Alex!" The man whisper-yelled and I quickly stopped my arm, squinting my eyes to try and get a good view of him.

"Kain?" I softly whispered.

The man sighed, "Yes," there was the soft sound of a throat being cleared, "I got the window open and slipped out the back to try and cut you off and get inside, Michelle took watch."

There was a nagging in my stomach, I never liked when Michelle took watch for look-out, she seemed too corrupted to me, like she wouldn't think twice about throwing us into a titan's mouth as long as there was a reward for her.

Kain grabbed my hand and pulled me forward, "C'mon."

I sighed and followed behind him ignoring the hand that held mine gently, and the fingers that were wrapped around my palm.

"On the inside...did it look like there was anything there?"

Kain sighed, "Not sure." He told me, "I was focused on getting to you."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "I don't understand why." I told him irritably.

"I don't understand why you can't ever seem to remember the feelings I have for you." He stated matter-of-factly but with a tone so hard it cut through the air like a knife.

No comment.

I cleared my throat and wrenched my hand from his and jogged ahead, searching for the open door Kain had informed me of.

I sighed as my fingers came in contact with air and I pushed through entering the house cautiously.

Kain appeared behind me and I jumped slightly at his sudden presence.

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now