Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning, still reeling from my night with Levi.

Strong, chiseled, pale, grey-eyed, short, handsome, scurrilous, Levi.

I could still remember the tune he had played, and the song only replayed on repeat- over and over, and over again, I heard the words, his soft voice.

The way his fingers moved along the keys effortlessly flashed through my mind.

It was chaotic, my thoughts were scattered, and all I could see, or feel, was him, his hand in mine, and the memories of our dance. I could remember how his hand felt on my waist and everything in between.

It had been a perfect night, something I wasn't sure would even be possible after the deaths of my only friends in the Scouting Legion.

With little effort, I buttoned my blouse, and dressed for training. 

I was still caught in the midst of my thoughts when I heard his voice- it was loud, and strong. It was completely monotone, and his voice matched his stoic persona. 


It was like I'd been bathed in sunshine, my heart started beating rapidly in my chest, and my hands started sweating profusely. My breathing caught in my throat, and my cheeks flushed.

I continued down the hallway, a skip in my step as I made my way towards the mess hall, where I knew he would be.  

I couldn't wait to see him, I was just about to enter the mess hall when I heard my name.

My back straightened and my I felt my entire body go completely rigid. 


I quickly turned, he looked exhausted, there were faint bags around his eyes-- a clear indication of the fact that he hadn't been sleeping much lately-- and his lips were pulled into a frown. 

Jordan and I had not gotten off to the greatest start, however, the death of our friends had bonded us. Looking at him, his blonde hair messy and slightly tangled, I knew he was still trying to find a way to roll out of bed in the morning. 

Levi had become my reason for getting out of bed, sadly, Jordan did not have that same comfort elsewhere. 

"Hey," I said quietly, attempting to force a reassuring smile on my face as my mood came crashing down around me, "how are you feeling?"

He looked at me, one of his eyebrows was raised, and from his expression I knew he was conveying that I should know how he was feeling. 

"I look like shit." 

A chuckle escaped my lips, and I slowly nodded my head in agreement, "You really do," a small smile appeared on his face, "did you even sleep at all?" 

Jordan shrugged, "A little, here and there." 

I frowned, "So that's a no." 

"Yeah, I didn't sleep, just fucking stared at the ceiling all night long." 

Jordan sighed, "How about you, did you sleep?"

For just a second, my thoughts drifted to the dream I'd had.

I'd been sitting on a hill, grass covered the ground and in the most wonderful places wildflowers had bloomed. The flowers took form in all shades, ranging from the lightest of purples to the brightest of yellows. The wind sifted through my hair, which had returned to its natural brown, and the breeze smelt like fresh rain after months without, and the richest honeysuckle. The sun had poured its light onto me, and I could feel the warmth along my skin. It was peaceful.

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