Chapter 3

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Song: "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran

When the carriage stopped before the large estate of the influential monarchy member, Gray Yota, a direct descendant from the king, my heart stopped slightly. This party would be risky. However as long as no one knew who I was I would be fine.

I got out of the carriage and started up the steps to the front door that was open and spilling a warm light onto the welcoming porch, an abundance of roses lining the walkway.

The smell of blooming roses filled the air, and the breeze caused me to pull my shawl tighter around my body.

I stepped into the warm light and my eyes widened at the hundreds of people below me. Stairs led down into the ballroom, and it seemed that everyone was focused on their partners, chatting idly. Paying no mind to my sudden presence.

It was odd to see so many people dressed flamboyantly in extravagant consumes that I would never be able to afford.

Masks covering every inch of whatever identity they had.

Laughter filled the air around me and struck my being into moving.

As I descended the staircase, the skirt of my dress trailing behind me touched the ballroom floor.

The sound of music surrounded me. A piano influencing my heart beat. The tune was lovely.

My eyes trailed up, searching for the piano player.

My eyes locked with a man onstage.

He was dressed in black, and feathery wings protruded from his back, filling the space around him. The melody was soft and seemed to change in pace every few measures. The tune almost seemed sad, and I was mesmerized as the muscles in his back stretched against the fabric of his shirt. He rocked with the beat and my eyes were glued to him. Transfixed on his every movement.

My heart ached, and I had no idea why I found myself so suddenly attracted to this person, a person I'd never encountered in my life.

I itched to storm onto to the stage and strip his face of the mask that hid his identity.

The song he was playing came to an end and he stood from his seat at the piano bench and marched off the stage.

He wasn't wearing a tux like all the other men in the room, he was wearing a snug charcoal black dress shirt, and black suit pants, and dress shoes to match. A silk red tie hung around his neck and the black mask he was wearing had vibrant red along the edges, it looked demonic.

The wings he wore moved with his body as he walked and people spread out before him, parting a path for him as he walked.

He might've been slightly short, probably an inch, maybe not even that, taller than me. But his very presence was intimidating and countered the fact he was shorter than most.

His hair was styled around his face, long and messy, and raven colored bangs fell over his forehead onto the mask. It was messy, and disheveled, yet somehow there was still order to it.

The crowd parted ways for him, and a new performer went onstage, along with a group of people holding musical instruments, such as violins, and a harp, another man sat down before the piano and rested his fingers along the keys.

He stopped near two people, I assumed were people of importance to him, one being a female and the other a male dressed in pure silky white. They seemed to engage in a quick conversation the female laughing slightly while pointing to herself.

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