Chapter 24

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Song: "Too Good" by Troye Sivan

A titan reached for her body and gripped her in its hand.

Immediately I forced myself into action, my grapples plunging towards the titan at the fastest possible speed.

But I was too late.

I was only feet away.

But within that second, the titan's mouth came down on the bottom half of her body.

Separating her torso.

A high pitched scream escaped my throat, and my vision blurred with angry tears.


My eyes snapped open, sweat covered my body, and my hands shook at the memory.

The days had passed in a blur, my room was empty, I couldn't sleep without experiencing a nightmare, and speaking was not something I was particularly fond of anymore.

I'd barely left my room since we'd returned; only leaving for short visits amongst the living.

I would eat, train, bathe, and then return to my gloom and doom room.

It was better than attempting to be okay.

I was mourning, Mina was gone, and her bed was empty.

There was something about that fact that killed me inside, she wasn't here, she wouldn't laugh, or smile, or speak to me ever again.

I knew I shouldn't have expected anything different, and to me that was the worst part.

Mina had chosen the life of a soldier, John, Mina, Colton, Vivian, and Jane all did. They had all made the decision to willingly risk their lives in hopes to pursue what was behind the walls, and to better the lives of humanity.

Each one had known the risks, and each had made their decision without so much as an ounce of fear or regret.

I spread my arms out on my mattress, and looked up at the wood above me; where Mina should have been.

The entire situation had been my fault; I had known that leaving my squad was a bad idea, but I was a soldier and following orders was in the job description. Even if I didn't approve.

Surprisingly enough, I'd spoken to Levi quite often since we'd returned from the expedition; he understood my predicament, and as my heart pounded against my ribs, I knew that what I needed was to speak with someone who would understand.

It was late, nearly two in the morning, but I knew he would be awake; he always was when I would visit.

I wasn't sure how it had started, my late night visits with Levi had never been apart of my schedule... but one night, after I had a nightmare involving Mina I'd run into him on my way into the mess hall.

At first he scolded me, but upon seeing my distraught features he eased up; he'd still been an ass, but I think upon seeing me he couldn't be any worse.

I hadn't known why he had suddenly taken it upon himself to comfort me to the best of his ability, but he had.

Without much thought, I forced myself out of bed, tucked my cotton pajama pants into a pair of wool slippers, and tugged a grey sweater over my shoulders.

Quickly, I exited my room and made my way down the long hallway, my arms shaking as the memory kept playing in my head.

All I could see was the blood, her body lying besides my body; the crimson liquid seeping into the earth.

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now