Seventy Four.

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"Rose?" Harry's voice was soft looking at Faye lay in bed with her back turned, staring at the outside, disgusted that she went down hearing a plate break to see him fucking Veronica who looked at her and smiled, she remains silent smelling liquor as he grows closer. "Rose, are you up?" He peers his head not seeing any movement before he pulls the cover slipping in next to her. He lays on his stomach, his head spinning with the mind blowing sex he just had downstairs, knowing he had Veronica wrapped around his finger almost thirty years later.

Harry clears his throat, feeling Faye turn around seeing her yellow eyes with anger, "I thought you were asleep." He studies her face full of anger before it softens to sadness, furrowing his brows as if she was fighting something internally. "Are you okay?" His voice concerned.

"I don't know what you're doing to me." She speaks shifting her body towards him, "I'm not going to be sick like you, Harry." She swallows hard resting her head on his chest, resting her leg on his lower half holding him closely. "I still hate you." She looks up at him, resting her chin on his bare chest with a confused look on his face, "You know she doesn't amount to me."

He raises his brows, "Faye...Faye...W-What do you mean?" At a loss for words.

Faye lifts her head up gripping his chin feeling tiny hairs growing, with fury, "I'm not letting some whore make you forget about me." She lets go of his chin angrily as he sits up with confusion, her eyes stoned on his.

"You can't say that to me, Faye." He says shaking his head, "Thats not fair to me, that-that-thats not fair. I'm trying to be a father and..."

"I've only been treating you like a father."

"No, you haven't Faye." His voice stern. "Yesterday, y-you sat on my lap and-and were saying very confusing things to me; you're setting me up!"

"I wanted my hair braided, Harry." She makes a face. "I said I wanted freedom and you're predatory mindset plays tricks on you." She leans close to him as he makes a shocked face. "Admit you like little girls, Harry." She smirks evilly. "Admit you like to use and abuse you shower them with gifts and expect sexual favors- even when there's no consent."

"You just don't want to admit you like it." He sneers making her face drop as if it triggered her. "Admit you want me to yourself; that no matter how much you fight I am the only man to love and fuck you the way you want." He smiles seeing sudden defeat in Faye before she shoves him down on the bed swinging hard fist at him, hitting his face and bare body in rage.

"Enough!" He says harshly grabbing her arm trying to protect himself but she swings a hard punch to his nose sending his head back, he grunts in pain holding his stinging nose before blood drips from it, he looks at it before at her slapping her real hard as she yelps in pain falling off him. He sits up staring at her breathing heavily, as she jumps out of bed stumbling but manages to run out the door, "Faye!" He calls but after waiting a few seconds, he jolts out of bed seeing her running outside through the glass window, he grunts going down the stairs running towards the front door before opening it, he looks around seeing she was suddenly gone.

His heart pacing, looking around until he hears leaves rustling from the woods before a scream echoes, "Faye!' He yells running in without hesitation pushing though branches jumping over tree roots before he sees her on the floor crying, realizing she ran into the electric fence on the other side of it , her pants ripped with fresh blood leaking from the sharp wires, "Faye, I'm coming."

He begins to lift his leg before a flashlight blinds him seeing it was his parents stand confused, "She-She's fine." He lies.

"She's scared." Marco states shaking his head, "Don't you see you're destroying her?" He begins to take steps towards Faye, going over the fence before helping her up, "You need to stop this, Harold. You know this isn't any good." He finishes his sentence walking with a limp Faye in his arms leaving his mother standing staring at Harry.

"You don't know what damaged you're causing, Harry." Macy speaks shaking her head. "You best to leave that poor girl alone."

"You are in no place to speak on a thing like that especially with what you did!" He exclaims with a fist.

"I was an addict, Harry! I wasn't in my right mindset, I had taken so much drugs I wasn't even sure If I was imagining it all." Macy yells in distress. "I kissed you once and afterwards I went to therapy and left for a good year to get my shit together!"

"It wasn't just the kiss, Macy." Harry says taking deep breaths. "You were so blasted you still can't even remember it, there was so much more you did to me."

"The point is I left and stopped the cycle." Macy shakes her head before tears stream down her face, "You don't think I blame myself for making you this way, Harry? You don't think if wasn't an addict I could've pointed you more to girls your age? Harry your a good looking man and I can't believe you see Rose as some object to abuse and use!"

"Mom, I can't let her go." His voice is low. "I can't her go...S-She belongs with me."

Macy furrows her brows at his sudden dark look after his sentence, reassuring himself that it couldn't possibly happen, "Mijo..." She begins with her chest tightening, "Did...Did rape her?" Harry's eyes look down at the floor, shamed with Macy having tears run down her cheeks, in disbelief that her youngest son came out to be a monster, "Harry...Harry you better tell me if this is a sick joke."

"Mom, you don't know how hard it is." Was the shittest excuse to ever tell.

"Harry you are to leave in the morning." Her voice loud and clear, "You are to never come back here, understand? That girl needs to escape whatever sick obsession before its too late...I can't believe this is who I raised; the boy who use to have such life turn into a fucking pervert." She spits on the floor walking away still cursing at him in Spanish, Harry following along miserably pushing the branches out his face before a faded yelling makes him gasp.

He picks up his pace, fighting through the tree roots and leaves running before he stops to see Faye shove his father to the ground, "You can't keep me!" She screams "I'm not some fucking toy that needs to hide." Her eyes wide with crazy before she looks at Harry her face softening, "Dad!" She cries out running towards him but Macy grabs her roughly, "No!"

"Hey!" Harry yells preparing to run but King holds him back, "Let me go! You can't keep her!" He tries to push him off but knowing how strong King was...there was no point. The sound of a car engine turning on with the gates opening with Faye screaming out being carried out by two guards sobbing, "Stop! W-What are you doing?" He breaks free from King's grip for a second before he's tackled down, "You can't have her! She's all I have left, you sick fucks!"

Faye's thrown into the car, slamming it closed as she bangs onto the window, screaming and crying, "Dad!" Her voice shaken with fear as the car begins to drive off stabbing Harry in the chest like a knife as he begins to cry, shoving King off until the two guards hold on with a needle in hand, he tries to fight to the fullest extent but it was no use; they inject him with the liquid calming him down before he gives up and is lifted up.

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