Twenty Nine.

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Faye sat in the love seat in her living room, the feeling of being back in her home seeming odd, to think only an hour ago she was being dragged out the hospital to being forced out of her home. It seemed unreal for sure, but it was the fact that between the rape and how controlling he deemed over her, for the first time in her life, she was done. She was done seeing the only way for her to not feel pain was death, it was so get rid of the problem; her father. Harry was the only thing that was stopping her from understanding get a taste of the wonders it offered.

"Go to your room and start packing, I have the jet on stand-by." Harry casually spoke grabbing his phone, before he noticed she wasn't moving, just sitting there at the TV her eyes on him in the reflection, un bothered. "I know you heard me, Rose."

Faye turned her head towards him running a hand through her curls, sighing heavily, fixing her white tee straight. "I'm not leaving." Her voice calm as if nothing he said was a bother, it was a shock factor to him because she would normally start crying and begging but she remained sitting as if it was another day.

"Faye you either leave, or I bring London here and kill her myself." He practically demanded, trying to make his posture seem intimidating but again, no issue towards her. Normally when he would get close with a look as if he would hurt her, she'd beg, but as he did that with the crazy look he normally put on, her eyes followed as the corner of her mouth formed a smirk as he was some sort of joke. "Faye." His voice coming out as a warning.

She sighed, pulling out an open condom wrapper, "You had no intention of getting me pregnant." She states. "You knew it was the big fear factor that would trigger me, and yet, once again, you toke advantage." She stood up, copying his posture, his literal twin but as a female, showing no fear in her voice. "You robbed me of my life, Harry. You toke my virginity, my own fucking father. All you ever do control me, own me, abuse me, degrade me...when will enough be enough?" Her words coming out like knives at him, his heart beating faster and faster to hear her stand up for herself.

"You're really going to go against me...for some blonde cunt?"

"I'm not leaving." Her words stern and monotone, her eyes shooting darts at him.

In that split second, he felt as though everything went to shit. The control he had over her, was gone, as if she had some switch she turned off, her eyes not showing fear but hatred. He had never seen a look like that on her face, as if the spell he had over her had vanished. His eyes for the first time , showing nothing but fear in that exact moment. As a reaction from that fear he tried to grab her by the shirt, but a sharp pain went across his palm realizing it was leaking from the same knife back at the hospital. He gasped, his hand stinging , anger growing inside of him.

Faye pointed the knife at him, "It doesn't have to end like this."

"You think some 5'10 teenager is going to make me feel...threatened?" He scoffed, "I'm not getting on that plane without you,Faye so just go easy." He slowly began to reach towards his pocket, putting his hand in feeling it empty as he stared in fear as she pulled his gun from behind her back pocket, she smiled flashing her dimples. "It doesn't have too." She pointed it at him, a laugh echoing.

"You don't know how to even shoot."

"Its' not hard to aim at the head, Harry." Faye stared at him, a silence broke between him, the realization that he created that monster hit him like a if he regretted all the years of abuse. His life flashed before his eyes with the fear and venerability closed in on him standing there, thinking ways to escape without a scratch, wondering all around him. "It's not fun being a victim, right?"

His eyes stopped directly at her, his flight or fight kicking in, suddenly feeling stupid to let the power go to her head. He let out a scream running towards her and just before he lunged, Faye stabbed him in his stomach. He gasped weakly, staring at the knife inside him before meeting her evil gaze with a smile, "You..." He was cut off as she dragged it out, as he toke steps backwards, Faye following him not breaking the contact. "You...b-bitch." He breathes holding his bleeding wound, before he could react she puts the gun on his forehead cocking it narrowing her eyes with such danger behind them. "I..I'm your father."

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