Fire Warms The Soul

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"I suppose... there is something that I would very much appreciate."

Exiting the tavern with the joyous bard by your side, you thought that it would be best if he could guide you to your cottage as the night sky had grown even darker.

"Well, sir Venti, I am new to Monstadt and are quite unfamiliar—"

"I shall be more than delighted to escort you home!" Venti exclaimed, giving you a fright due to his relentless enthusiasm. Chuckling, you thanked the bard with a warm smile upon your face, surprised at how welcoming the people of Monstadt could be.

Exiting Monstadt once again, you followed Venti along the dirt path that led to Springvale. The confident bard was surely one to speak as he enlightened you with his many stories and poems, even a little serenade from his lyre that you swore could send you to sleep on the spot. You enjoyed Venti's company, as he seemed to be such an aspiring young gentleman. Eventually, Venti found the abandoned cottage that you described. Staring at the run-down shelter, you could tell the bard was trying his best not to make a comment about your living circumstances, instead, he tried to cheer you up.

"Eh, it's better than nothing I suppose, hehe." Venti giggled, trying to brighten your obvious deflated spirit. You smiled, desperately pushing out the memory of your warm futon back in Inazuma out from your mind. The floor would have to suffice until you made some renovations. "I suppose." You smiled, turning to face the bard. "Thank you, Venti. I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed your stories! Good night."

Venti flashed you one of his childish smiles, bringing his hands together in delight. "I'm glad! Say, I wouldn't mind sharing a few more, whaddya say?" He asked, gazing at you with pleading eyes. You were uncertain as your eyelids grew heavy and you felt your sore limbs close to giving out, longing for rest. Although, another story and some company would surely bring you warmth to survive this cold night.

"You do not have a home to return to, Venti?" You asked, thinking an intelligent young man like him would have a comfy bed to return to. The bard fiddled with his fingers, letting a nervous chuckle escape from his mouth.

"Well, you see, I don't really have a home..." Venti laughed with uncertainty, making you worry even more for his wellbeing.

"Oh, Venti, I would be more than willing to let you stay with me. Albeit, I think we both shall be sharing the floor." You returned, causing the bard's nervous smile to turn into one of pure happiness. It was odd to know he didn't have anywhere to reside in, you truly thought he would be quite prosperous in sharing all those amazing stories of his.

"Thank you, (Y/N), I'll be sure to pay you back sometime!" Said Venti, rushing up to give you a side hug. You tried your best not to wince in pain as his arms wrapped around your sore muscles and healing wounds, instead, you welcomed the foreign gesture. It had been a very long time since you last received an embrace; the feeling of being in someone's arms had almost relit the flame that had diminished inside you ever since...the incident.

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