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Danielle's P.O.V
I woke up to Andy yelling at Brody. I guess he fell asleep also. I got up off of Brody and rubbed my eyes and stretched, then remembered I have my first day of school. I walked up to Andy and told him to leave my room. "Why would you let a stranger in here Dan?! He could be a molester for all I know!" he threw his hands in the air and left. I locked the door so I could talk to Brody alone. I sat on my bed and he remained on the floor where we slept. "How did you get in my room yesterday?" He was silent for a few seconds the finally he responded " I jumped off my balcony to yours and your door was opened so I came in." He looked at me blankly like it was no big deal. "Okay.. I'm going to get dressed" as I went to my closet that was set up already and picked out red skinny jeans, black vans, and a black t-shirt that was a bit big on me. I turned around and faced him he was now on my bed smirking at me. "Can you turn around so I can change?" then he made a look as if he was thinking then he replied " I'd rather not Princess" then he winked at me. I sighed to make sure he heard me and he chuckled. Then I remember I had my own bathroom, I ran to the bathroom and as soon as I went to go for the door knob I saw him right in front of me. I looked up and saw him bite his lip. "You don't think I would let you go and change in there did you?" he smirked and I backed away until my back was against the wall and he was so close to me. He bent down a bit because I was shorter until his forehead was on mine and he looked at me like that for a while.

Brody's P.O.V
I had her against the wall. She then made a not so smart move and smiled than ran for the bathroom. I had great reflexes and was fast and grabbed her by her waist. She turned around and said "I'm going to be late, please just let me get dressed." I thought for a few seconds and replied "kiss me." She looked at me and rolled her eyes and pecked my lips and then ran off to the bathroom. She later came out with her makeup done and she was dressed. She put her hair up in a messy bun which looked adorable on her. I saw her struggling to tie the back of her giant t-shirt so I walked up behind her and tied it for her. She didn't argue. When she turned around and looked at me I simply said "You look beautiful Princess." She looked up at me, I could tell she was blushing really hard. "Aw, princess I make you blush?!" I said trying to embarrass her she then hit me on my arm and I tried to act hurt she just giggled and walked down stairs. I walked with her then realized her brother will be down here and her parents and any other siblings. I sighed to myself as I was right by the door now. She said bye to her family I guess, and was ready to go. I walked her to my car and opened the passenger car door for her she got in then I closed the door and walked to the drivers side and got in. I started the car and we are now on our way to school.

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