29. Chapter Part 2

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Danielle's P.O.V

My anxiety started to act out. But I tried to keep it down so I could answer the door. I reached for the knob while my hand was shaking wildly. I twisted it then I flew open. A bigger body wrapped their arms around me. I could almost suffocate it was so tight. The person was taller. Then I recognized the smell and my arms wrapped tight around the one person I missed. I could feel tears drip down my face. They were not tears of sadness but of happiness.

"I love you so much Danielle." The words came out muffled.

I gave a light laugh and just gave him a tight squeeze.

"My life was miserable without you.."

"I will explain later okay.." He rested his forehead on mine.

I grabbed his neck and pulled his face down to mine. We stood there kissing eachother. One thing I missed about him. He pulled away for a second to wipe my tears.

"Stop crying." He said with a chuckle.

"I can't.. I'm just so happy you're home.."

Brody helped me over to the couch and he sat down. Then I crashed down on his lap.

"Where are the guys at?"

"Right here." Zack said.

The guys walked into the door Brody and I forgot to shut.

"Good thing your back." Zack smirked.

"She was a total wreck when you were gone."

"I was not.." I murmured and hid my face in the crook of Brody's neck.

"She didn't eat, didn't get out of bed, cried, didn't sleep,-"

"Shut up Zack." I snapped.

"Well then.. I guess I should bring you up to the bed. Shouldn't I?"

"I don't wanna move.." I said quite grumpily.

"You don't have to."

Then I got picked up and was being brought up the stairs. I sighed loudly, then you could hear all the chuckles from the guys.

Once we were in the bedroom Brody laid me on the bed and went to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"To get food." He smiled.

Then he was out the door. I'm so glad he's back.. He just makes life so much better and- My thoughts were cut short as Brody returned, he was as pale as a ghost.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"Uhh... you have a visitor."

I sat up and Brody came and picked me up. Then when we were at the front door there was my father.

"What the hell Danielle? Where have you been all day?"

"Dad.. I've been gone for more than a day." Brody set me on ground, but he held me steadily.

His arms around my waist holding me tightly.

"Get your ass home."

"I-I'd rather not."

"What do you mean you'd rather not? I'm your dad. You don't tell me what to do." He pointed at me.

Brody started gritting his teeth.

"You haven't been a dad to me ever since mom died!"

"I'm not going to try to interact with the reason my wife is dead."

I couldn't respond. My breathing got heavier, and I started shaking.


Then when my dad yanked my arm, Brody grabbed me.

"This is done." He spoke, his voice deep. He then slammed the door close and locked it.

Brody picked me up again and brought me in the bedroom. I was on the bed once again. My anxiety acting out. Then he slowly made his way onto the bed and wrapped his arms around me. Holding me close.

"It's fine.. It's okay. Everything is okay." He rocked us softly and cooed to me.

"He-e-e said I w-wa-was the reason for my mo-ms death.." I cried.

Soon all the guys were in the room. They looked at me and Brody. I started calming down. But my tears still fell.


It was night now. The guys felt the need to sleep with me tonight. All of the guys besides Brody dragged a few mattresses and laid them on the ground. They all slept in here tonight. While me and Brody whispered to eachother.

"You okay?" He rested his chin on the top of my head as I snuggled into his chest.


"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."


Then it was silent. Only until Leo snored really loud. Brody and I started laughing quietly.

"This is us."

"Yes. This is us. Our little family." I elbowed Brody softly and He chuckled.

" I'm guessing the guys are all of our kids?"

"Noo! I'd never have kids with you." I laughed a bit loud.

"You know you would." He smirked.

I elbowed him a little harder.

"Seriously. Would you ever want a family?"

"Yeah I mean. Just not with a delinquent."

"What? Me? Delinquent? Never."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.


I yawned then so did Brody.

"Go to bed." He stated.

"But I just got you back."

"And you'll have me forever.."

He kissed my forehead. Then I drifted to sleep. Feeling safe now that I have my prince back.

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