6. Chapter

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Danielle's P.O.V
I'm getting a bit nervous, I haven't gone to school in a while due to me being sick. Brody looks at me and smirks then turn on the radio. It had to be one of my favorite songs of course. Riptide by Vance Joy. I could feel the smile appear on my face, I then looked out the window and started singing.
'I was scared of dentist and the dark, I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations. Oh, all my friends are turning green. You're the magicians assistant in their dreams.
Oh, and they come unstuck.
Lady, running down to the riptide. Taken away to the dark side, I wanna be your left hand man. I love you when you're singing that song an, I got a lump in my throat cause you're going to sing the words wrong." I looked over at Brody, he was just staring at me. I felt myself blush and looked the other way. Oh no he made me blush..again!? The car stopped in the school parking lot and I got out and walked pretty fast into the school. When I got in, I looked back to see if Brody followed me. I didn't see him and turned around and accidentally bumped into someone. As soon as I bumped into them my arm started burning. I looked at my arm and saw coffee dripping off of it. I looked up and saw a cute guy laughing a bit I walked off in embarrassment. My arm was soon grabbed and they made me turn around. It was the cute guy. "I'm so sorry" he said still smiling. I looked down not wanting to look him in the eye. He held my head up with his finger under my chin making me look at him. As I looked at him more I noticed he was a jock. " I'm sorry, to make it up to you I will take you to the party the first night of the football season?" He said still smiling. "U-um parties are not r-really my t-thing", I said nervously.
"Well we can get to know each other it's going to be after the football game. You can root for me", he said with a wink. I shook my head in agreement slightly and walked off. Are all the boys so friendly around here? I walked to the office to get my locker number and schedule. There was a lady at a desk probably in her mid 60's. "Hello hun, can I help you?" she said in a sweet voice. "I-I'm the new girl a-and I need my l-locker number and schedule.." I replied a bit quiet. "What's your name?" her tone now a bit bitter. "D-Dannielle C-Collins", I looked down after saying that. She then handed me a slip of paper with my information on it. Walking fast, I went to my locker 167. I then did my combination, '12-7-24'. I opened my locker and just looked in it, trying to remember how school was last time I was at it. I closed my locker and went to walk to my class and bumped into another person. Another person?! I looked up again, then I was relieved to see it was Brody smirking. " I changed my locker I'm now 168, what a coincidence?" I smiled a little then looked at my arm. There was now blisters where the coffee once was, I looked back up at Brody. "What happened to your arm Danielle?" He said with concern in his voice. "I-I had it this morning I don't kn-" He cut me off "You did not have that on your arm this morning, and don't say you don't know because you do." I started tearing up after he said that, I don't know why I'm so emotional. I started walking off I didn't want him to see me cry. I went to my first class and sat down in a seat. This class is my math class. Then I saw Brody walk through the door.

Brody's P.O.V
I changed my classes to all of hers. I walked to our math class following her. I saw her sitting there and she had tears on her cheeks. I ran up to her desk crouching so I could talk to her. She looked at me, I wiped her tears that were on her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, about running..I-I bumped into a jock and his c-coffee spilled on me..I'm f-fine." For some reason I felt protective over her. I literally have known her for only 24-hours, but something about her just..I don't know. I kissed her forehead, she smiled a little. I sat in the desk behind her, the bell rang and school finally starts.

Danielle's P.O.V
The rest of the morning went by quick Brody gave me his hoodie to hide the burn and the coffee that got on my shirt. It was lunch now and I had no one to sit by until Brody found me and took me out of the lunchroom. "Want to go get some real food?" he smirked. I smiled and nodded, he put his arm out waiting for me to link mine with his so I did. We walked out to his car and he opened the passenger door for me then closed it then he got in. It was a awkward drive until I broke the silence. "Where are you taking me?" He just smirked then pulled into a frozen yogurt place. I love frozen yogurt! He got out then opened the passenger door for me then we hooked arms again and walked inside.

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