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Danielle's P.O.V

I ran into Brody's house with my bag. I yanked the door open then shut it behind me. I started to cry more and slid down the door. I covered my face with my hands, and brought my knees to my chest. My sister told her boyfriend to rape me. That's like cheating in a way. My breath quickened at the thought of it.

"Hey babe how'd it go?" Brody said as he started walking down the creaky stairs. I looked up, his face went from a smile to a concerned face.

"What happened?"

I sat there in silence.

"Danielle what's wrong?" He asked once again, moving closer to me.

"M-my si-sister is the r-reason Preston r-r-r" I couldn't even say it. But Brody knew what I meant. His hands clenched into fists and his teeth were gritted.

"Zack! Take care of her! I'll be back." He yelled to Zack who was in the living room. Zack walked out of the living room and his eyes met mine. He came over to me picked me bridal style and took me into the living room. I heard the door slam and I'm guessing that was Brody. Zack set me down on the couch and went into the kitchen he got a tub of ice cream, a litter of pop, a bag of chips, and gummy bears. Gummy Bears. We didn't buy those when we went shopping. Brody. I got snapped out of my thoughts when Zack said.

"Food makes stuff better, right?"

He sat down next to me and set the food on the table.

"You okay?"

I shook my head and he nodded slightly.

"Danielle, Brody told me some stuff. Only some. He asked me what to do. He's scared of messing up." His eyes didn't leave mine.

I'm hurt and thankful at the same time.. Brody has told some of my secrets to Zack. But did it because he didn't want to mess up. I leaned on Zack and he let me. His arms wrapped around me in a hug and I hugged him back. My tears started to flow now.

"I know what Preston did to you. I also know about your sister telling him to."

A sob escaped my mouth and he held me tighter as I did too.

"It's going to be okay. We're not going to let that son of a bitch touch you again okay." He cooed. But the last part ended the calming. Son of a bitch doesn't necessarily calm people down.
He let go of me and looked me in the eyes.

"You can stay here as long as you'd like. Okay?" He gave me a reassuring smile and I gave him a small smile back. Then I turned so I was sitting still with my knees to my chest and grabbed the tub of ice cream and opened it.

"Gotta spoon?" I asked.

He nodded and got up and went into the kitchen and came back with a huge spoon. I started to eat the vanilla ice cream and just sat there. Brody is probably pissed off at me, my sister hates me, Zack and the boys are the only ones who talk to me besides Brody. My old friends hate me now. Can't wait till school.
I'm probably failing in every class. As I realized I said this all out loud I looked at Zack from the corner of my eye and saw him looking at me as if he couldn't believe what I just said.

"I-I didn't mean to say that out-"

"Loud." He finished my sentence for me.

"Yeah." I shook my head and looked down at the tub of ice cream that was still mostly filled.

"He's not 'pissed' off at you. He just has a lot to deal with. You read him all wrong. When ever he's mad you blame it on yourself. Don't."

I nodded and his hands cupped my cheeks.

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