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Danielle's P.O.V
I ran up the stairs not wanting to see my family's faces. I walked to my room and plopped myself on my bed. The first football game is this Friday, the guy that asked me to
go didn't even know my name. I just looked up at my ceiling trying to think of a game plan and I slowly drift off to sleep.

••••••Next Morning••••••
Danielle's P.O.V
I wake up in my clothes from yesterday and don't feel like getting up. It's Thursday, tomorrow is the game and I don't even like sports. All of a sudden I think of Brody and his kisses and his ravishing blue eyes, his smirk that I hate with a burning passion but love at the same time. I run to my bathroom and splash cold water on my face trying to get him off my mind. I decided to get dressed into a pair of leggings and combat boots with a plaid flannel and my lovely beanie. I run downstairs not caring what my family thinks and headed out the door. I see Brody leaning against his car waiting for me. He was dressed in a plaid flannel too and black jeans. "We're matching!" I say enthusiastic, he just smirks at me and we get in the car. The ride was mostly silent until I asked him a question that was bothering me. "You're not the schools 'bad boy' are you?" He looks at me then looks back to the road not wanting to answer. "Brody? Please answer me?"
He looks at me and smirks "I guess you will have to find out yourself." He flirts way to much I just bite my lip and it's silent for the rest of the way to school. I walked up to my locker and Brody came with, all of a sudden the jock came over and put his arm around me. "We on for tomorrow still, babe?" I look at him "I-I barely know y-you, please don't call me b-babe.." Brody looked over at me and at the jock. The jock and Brody made eye contact with eachother. "She's taken Corey, obviously not by you so get your arm off of her and leave." Brody was being very protective over me and lied about my relationship status. I guess his name is Corey, Corey then said something that ticked Brody off. "Every girl you've been with left you for me because they want a real man. Not a one night stand, even your sister wanted me and she wanted me bad." He said and wrapped his arm around me tighter, Brody walked away pissed off and walked straight out the front doors. I tried to move to chase after Brody but, he held onto my arm and it started to hurt. "C-Corey y-you're hurting m-me." I said stuttering, I was about to cry then he threw me to the floor and I started to cry. Once my tears started they wouldn't stop. He went to pick me up and I tried to refuse then he picked me up anyway and took me into the janitors closet.

Brody's P.O.V
I was so mad so I walked out. How dare he say anything about my sister! I went to my car and lit a cigarette, I haven't smoked in a while. I think I'm starting to fall in love with Danielle. I have never felt this way about a girl. I'm not going to lose her to stupid ass Corey either. I put my cigarette out and walked back into the school and sprayed cologne on to cover up the cigarette smell. Danielle was no where in sight. I know she wouldn't walk off with a jock, I know she wouldn't. I walked around then heard a noise coming from the janitors closet and I stayed outside the door for a few seconds to make sure I'm not going crazy.

Danielle's P.O.V
Corey duct taped my hands together behind my back and taped my mouth shut. All I could think about was Brody. What happened to his sister? Is he okay? All these things were going through my mind and the tears kept on flowing. Corey started kissing my neck and started to grab at my butt. I had already backed into a corner. The one thing I want right now is, Brody. I banged on the wall with my hands behind my back hoping someone would hear. Corey noticed what I did and gave me a look that I could never forget. He slapped me and I could feel the bruise already developing. I cried even more. He started to call me names and started getting physical then the door opened right when Corey punched my face. It was Brody. I tried to run to him but Corey held the duct tape that kept my hands together. Brody came in and grabbed the duct tape Corey held onto and brought me out of the closet. My face was throbbing. Brody turned me around and cut the tape with his pocket knife and then turned me around to see my face. I put my head down not wanting him to see my face. He held my head up by his finger under my chin. I was crying and now shaking. Brody looked at my face and took the duct tape off and his expression went from angry to furious he turned around and grabbed Corey by his shirt and had him on a locker. He started punching his face and soon enough Corey started hitting Brody back. They hit eachother until Corey was on the ground with a bloody nose and lip. Brody turned around to look at me his face had bruises and he had cuts on his arms. He then took my hand and led me into the guys bathroom. I was going to fight back but, I was scared. Not of Brody but, of what just happened and my memories. He looks at me, at first with anger then his face softened when he saw the side of my face. Walking a bit slowly Brody turned my face softly so he could get a better look. His hands move to my waist, he then picked me up and placed me on the sink. "Corey didn't try to-" I cut him off, "no he didn't rape me Brody." Looking at me in relief he wets a paper towel with cold water and dabs it on my cheek. I tense from the pain, he notices. He sighs "Danielle..you wouldn't mind..um cleaning me up would you..?" I smile at him and he returns it. I start with his face wiping the blood off by his eyebrow. "Anything else that need to be cleaned?" He shakes his head then smirks, he takes off his shirt. I see cuts by his neck and on his sides. I go into my own world, staring at his body. He then snaps in front of my face. I felt the heat flow through my body. "Princess, I make you blush!" I rolled my eyes and he just smirks at me. I look at him and he returned the look he picked me up off the sink by my waist and I wrapped my legs around him just looking at him. "Corey is the one who spilled the coffee on me. Then asked me to the game tomorrow. I was wondering if maybe you would want to go with me instead?" I say a bit nervous. "Princess, are you asking me on a date?" He asked in a flirty way. I rolled my eyes at him once again. "I would love to go. I will pick you up at 8. Oh and the guys are going maybe they can hangout with us?" I smiled in response. "Now let me down so you can get your shirt back on." I said giggling a bit. He smirked "you and me both know you like me like this." I tried jumping off of him but he held on tighter. I kissed him. His hands still holding me around his waist and I put my arms around his neck. The bell rings and we both pull away trying to get some air, he puts me down and puts his shirt on. We walk out of the bathroom his arm around my shoulder. We walk out of the school and drive to his house. I decided to go over his house. We ran up to his room as if it was a race. He beat me and started celebrating. I rolled my eyes. "Babe, if you roll your eyes again they're going to get stuck like that." I looked at him and crossed my arms over my chest. He chucked and I can't help but giggle. He walked up to me very close and kissed my nose. I could feel the blush on my face. All he does is smirk. "So, there's going to be a lot of rumors tomorrow. Since I walked out of the bathroom with you and I look like someone beat me and so do you." I laugh a little after saying that. He just observes me then I turned around because I could feel the blush getting worse. I turned my head around and saw him staring at my butt. " What the heck Brody? I'm not a hooker." He smirks and walks up behind me and puts his hands around my waist. Then whispers in my ear "never said you were." I giggle then he kisses my temple. I turn around and look him in the eyes just because. His eyes are beautiful. I looked around his room, it looked empty. Brody picked me up over his shoulder then dropped me on his bed and he stood there. "What?" I say laughing a bit. "Dan, I might be falling in love with you.."

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