37. Chapter

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Danielle's P.O.V

I had tears streaming down my face. Not able to speak a peep. I had just found out my dad had died a month ago and here I am now at his funeral. It was upsetting to see a closes casket. But I understand. I wouldn't want people to see my dead body in the open either.

I felt a little pull on my arm and I saw it was Brody, his face was filled of worry.

"I've been calling your name for almost five minutes. Are you okay?"

"It's my dad's fucking funeral how could I be even the slightest bit okay." I hissed.

Brody looked away with hurt. To be honest I just wanted to leave. So that's what I did.

I heard noises of someone walking behind me. I ignored it and walked to the sidewalk. My tears stopped and I was starting to freeze. The footsteps grew louder until I turned around.

A very angered Andy was in front of me. I looked down ready for my lecture of who knows what.

"How could you walk away from our dads funeral?!"

"Can you leave me alone?" I looked up at him.

"We're going back." He grabbed my wrist and automatically let go.

His face was even more angered. He grabbed my wrist and started to pull at my coat sleeves. I didn't fight back. Once they were revealed he looked at me.

"What the hell Danielle?" He shouted getting everyone's attention who was at the funeral.

As soon as the boys started walking over I tried to pull my wrist back, not wanting them to see. But Andy gripped it tight.

Brody was now running and I finally got out of Andy's grip. So I started running as well. I made it about half way up the block before getting grabbed. I quickly pulled down the sleeve and turned to see Brody, Andy and the boys.

"You're making a scene." Andy hissed.

I looked over to my family who stared at me and my devil sister gave me a devious smirk. She turned to our family and said something that I couldn't make out. Then everyone's faces looked at me with disgust.

"You guys are the ones who followed me." I said looking down.

"Take her home." Andy spat. I could feel his gaze on me. "Then after the funeral I'll be back to deal with it."

With that Andy was gone and I had the boys to face. I looked up, the tears burning from the hold back.

"Danielle.. Come on." Brody said vulnerably.

I nodded and he placed his arms around my shoulders. I took one last look at my family. They gazed at me. Then my eyes met Andy's and a tear streamed down my cheek. His eyes showed pain. Then I looked over at my sister and she laughed at me.


We were all sat down in the livingroom. Silence filled the room. Soon Andy came through the door and had a look on his face I couldn't explain. He walked up to me and gripped my wrist and started to drag me up the stairs.

"A-Andy you're hur-hurting me." I said quietly. His grip became less tight. Then we came to a stop as we got to the bathroom.

He made me sit on the toilet seat and he closed the door. Seating himself on the sink.


"I didn't know what el-else to do, a-and I-"

"You said you were better." Andy said through gritted teeth.

He jumped off the sink and went through the cabinet looking for something. I couldn't help but look down, disappointed in myself. He put something on the counter then crouched down in front of me. His sigh reeked of alcohol.

"Danielle I love you." He cupped my face making me look at him.

"But you need to stop this... Nothing can help you, unless you want to stop."

Tears were streaming. Once he noticed he brought me into a tight hug.

I sniffled into his shirt.

"Come on." Pulling away, he had watery eyes.

I knew what he put on the counter..

I put my arms over the bath tub and he grabbed the rubbing alcohol. I took a deep breath as he poured it on my arms. The sting was worst than I remember. I closed my eyes and flinched every time it hit a new area. I looked at my arms and they were bright red with irritation.

He took gaws and medical tape and placed them all over my arms. He tapped my shoulder and sighed.

"Come on.."

I shook my head back and forth, and knelt there.

"I want to stay in here a bit longer." I looked up to him.

He nodded and with that left the bathroom quietly.

Then the thoughts came..

I don't know where I messed up.. Me being born? I never wanted to cause my parents sadness nor anger. I didn't mean for my mom to get into that car crash. Then my dad die the same way.. Even though they didn't really treat me with care I still couldn't  stop loving them. My sister laughs at me for my mistakes and blames my moms death on me. Who knows what she told the rest of the family. I never wanted my little sister to have to go through all this. Growing up with no parents, a suicidal sister, a brother who was gone most of the time, and only one sister who she actually talks to. I didn't want Andy to feel bad for me. Now who knows what will happen. No one..

A tear dripped onto the gaw and I knew I was about to have a panic attack but.. Maybe its something I need. To just cry to myself and try to calm myself, by myself. I sat down against the wall and just let the panic takeover me. Because what else could I do.




"Open the door, please."

I got up and did so. My eyes irritated, my lungs trying to get some air, and the sense of nausea filling me. Brody stood there worriedly. He open the door all the way and grasped me, holding me tight and close.

"Princess.. Please, just please tell me when you're down. Tell me when you're upset. Tell me when you feel the need to hurt someone or hurt yourself." I could feel tears hitting my shirt and I held him a bit tighter.

"I'm sorry.. Brody I'm really sorry." I said just above a whisper.

We stood there for a bit longer before he pulled away just to smash his lips into mine. Moving in sync, passionately and out of fear. Fear of losing each other.. Losing me.

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