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Danielle's P.O.V

I woke up with Brody yelling at Matt.

"Why would you leave her alone knowing Preston was here! You saw how she reacted just to his god damn name!" Brody yelled.

"Who would open the door for you! It's not my fault!" Matt snapped back.

I sat up and both of them looked at me. Brody's expression going from angry to worried. He walked over to me quickly and crouched down next to me. I could see Matt looking at me. I noticed Brody wasn't wearing the hoodie he came in with. I looked down to see it was on me. I gave him a warm smile and he returned one.

"Are you o-"

"I'm fine, really. I'm just glad you guys ran in when you did." I reassured him with a smile.

"I'm going to get going. Um bye Danielle. See you tomorrow." Matt said awkwardly. I shook my head and he slowly walked out of my room.

"Brody we need to talk."

He looked at me even more worried. He sat next to me and looked at his hands fiddling with them. I put my hand over his and he looked up at me.

"We're not breaking up. I just need to ask you some stuff."

He laid back in relief. I laughed a bit.

I cleared my throat and put my loose hair behind my hair looking down.
"Where do you work?"

I looked up to see him stand up in front of me then put his hands on the back of his neck.

"Danielle, I really don't want to tell you."

I waved him off and looked at him raising my eyebrows.

"I'm a underground-" He mumbled the last word so I couldn't hear what he said.

"Underground what?"


The room fell silent. Underground Fighter? The boys also did too. As everything was processing in my head I couldn't help but ask my next question.

"Where are your parents..?"

"My dad's in prison and my mom passed away."

I regretted my question. His gaze fell and he avoided eye contact.

"I'm s-"

"Don't be. I knew you were going to ask sooner or later."

"You live in your house alone?"

"Not really. I guess you could say the guys practically live with me. But sometimes I'm alone." He now met my gaze again.

I nodded.

"My turn."

"W-what?" I chocked out.

"I'm going to ask you some questions."


"Where's you're mom?"
I could feel the sting in the back of my eyes, fighting the tears threatening to pour.

"She's dead." I said with a sad laugh.
He sat up and put his arm around me.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked trying to lighten the mood.

I couldn't help but laugh.


He nodded.

"Favorite flower?"

I had to think for a second.

"Dahlia." I said shaking my head in confirmation.

He smiled.

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