𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝟭. broken bones

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ANABELLE STILINSKI wandered into the boys locker rooms, shoving past half naked freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors who either complained and told her to get out or sent her flirtatious looks. "Woah, do you mind?" One hissed, thought Anabelle shoved him into a locker, "Shut up."

The moment she saw her brother, she had immediately approached him, wacking the boy across the head as he let out a yelp of pain, turning around and noticing the pissed expression on the girl's face. Him and Scott were in the middle of questioning a freshman, who seemed far too good at lacrosse to be a human— even though that's exactly what he was.

"Hey, Dick!" She spat, and the boy rolled his eyes, looking down at his sister's furious expression.

"B, you can sorta see we're in the middle of something—,"

"Did you tell Noah I snuck out last night?" Anabelle hissed, already knowing the answer as Stiles scoffed, narrowing his eyes as he shook his head dramatically.

"What? No! Why would I tell my dad—,"

"Cut the crap. He's grounded me for a week now because of your big mouth! I swear to god, I'm gonna strangle you in your sleep!" Anabelle snarled, and Scott widened his eyes, somehow finding humour in the situation as Liam Dunbar, the freshman, stared at Belle. He had always felt something towards ger her since she moved to Devenford Prep in middle school due to her 'behavioural issues,' despite the girl not even noticing him and he was just glad that he had been transferred to Beacon Hills High so he could see his old crush again.

He had it all planned out in his head; walk into school, catch her attention straight away and the two would fall in love and get married. Of course, reuniting with her as she was yelling at her older brother in a boys locker room, not even noticing the boy stood there was completely different to what he had planned.

"So what? You shouldn't keep disappearing to random guys houses almost every night."

"Okay, what? I went to Brett's last week, and I was with Lydia all night. Why don't you stop being a controlling dick and let me spend time with my friends!" She bickered, and Scott knew he had to do something to stop her from showing her true identity, realising the lockers had began to shake a little.

"Okay Belle, Meet Liam. Liam, this is Anabelle." He tried to distract her, though the two freshman seem to already know eachother as Liam sent her an awkward smile, and his heartbeat raised a little in his chest.

"Yeah, we've met, he went to my middle school." She replied, eyes locking with the boy as Stiles watched them suspiciously, eyes squinting as he glanced at Scott.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now