𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝟯. welcome home

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THE PACK CIRCLED AROUND the schools yellow buses, figuring out a way to help Liam get through his first full moon after realising that he indeed, was transforming into a werewolf. "I'm not sharing my basement." Malia stated, not wanting the Dunbar boy anywhere near it.

"Actually, it's my basement, and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time." Lydia told her.

"Alright, she's still learning!" said Anabelle, defending her brother's girlfriend who had grown to more of a bestfriend since she had turned back from a coyote into human.

"We're gonna use the boathouse for Liam, it's got support beams, we can chain him up there. Belle can come with us, she's gonna have to use her manacles." Scott explained. On a full moon, a Mage's magic would heighten, depending on their subconious mind, creating an uncontrollable or destructive source of energy that had to be blocked. They used manacles that covered the girl's entire hand, resulting in the prevention of her using her physical magic, which was the most she had learned anyway.

"Uh- Stiles is usually with me for full moons." She argued, furrowing her brows.

"Yeah, but I've gotta look after Malia— So just go with Scott and Kira." He explained, the girl's heart dropping a little in her chest, knowing she came second to the Tate girl.

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?"

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake." Stiles said, his idea extremely ridiculous, but Anabelle thought it could've worth a shot.

"I'm in."

"We're not killing or kidnapping him!" Scott argued.

"Yeah, cause you totally didn't do that last nig-," Anabelle began, though Stiles had elbowed her rib, causing the girl to shut up with a groan. The others not knowing about their gruelling efforts to not let him leave Scott's house.

"Then let's be smarter. We tell him there's a party and then invite him." Lydia planned, everyone agreeing.

"You're going to ask out a freshman?"

"No, I'm done with teenage boys. But, Scott's told me about his little fondness for mini Stilinski over here." She replied, the entire group looking at her, who was picking at her white nail polish instead of paying attention, raising her brows at the dozens of eyes in her direction.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now