𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝟮𝟵. find your trigger

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"FOCUS ON YOUR SURROUNDINGS. Anything that seems to distract you, just let it go— get it out of your mind." Asher told Anabelle, the girl standing the middle of nowhere, her arms out either side with two orbs of red energy around each palm, whilst her brother watched— trying to help her grow as a Mage. They'd been practicing for hours, though Belle was getting no where. It was dark, but the brightness of her magic seemed to illuminate their faces.

"That's kinda hard when I have no idea what's distracting me." Belle muttered, eyes closed as she breathed in and out, trying to relax.

"You can do it, Ana. Just- think about what you want. Power or control? You can't have both, not if you're like us." Asher explained, and she gritted her teeth, eyes of pure neon red opening as her aura grew stronger.

"Power." She told him. Sure, Belle did want to learn control, but as of now she needed a defence.

"Okay, you just gotta remind yourself that. A Mage's power strengthens based on their emotional state. So, the angrier you are, the stronger you are. If you're calm, or hurt— you'll be weaker. These feelings don't just have to be pulled out from what's happening at that time. They can be memories, inching to the surface. What makes you angry, Belle?" Asher asked, taking his hand out of his pocket, a blue orb surrounding his palm as he watched.

"Like- everything!" She joked, though it was quite true.

"Belle- keep reminding yourself what you want, bring back memories that make your blood boil, and see just how powerful you get." Asher told her, he knew she was deemed as weak for someone with a heritage so powerful, so it wasn't as if his training would benefit her in any way.

"Find your trigger, Anabelle."

Anabelle focused, memories flickering through her mind, until she saw herself in a hospital by her mother's side. She wasn't very young, but she remembered it clearly, Claudia Stilinski was asleep, and Belle was placing flowers she'd stolen from a pot just outside onto the woman's bed, surrounding her frame.

Anger washed over her, not knowing that would've been the last time she'd seen the alive
face of her mother. And then, she flicked back further, before the remembrance of Allison's death had overtaken her too, the look of hopelessness in Allison's eyes when she realised she wouldn't be able to be saved.

Before Anabelle could even think of anything
else, a blue orb had been sent her way, and the girl just about dodged it, her crimson washing over it and sending it back in Asher's direction which he'd only dodged.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now