𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝟰𝟳. fallen into darkness

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    "THERE'S FOUR STEPS. We get into Eichen, we get into the closed unit, we get Lydia, we get out." Stiles Stilinski stated, as the pack all circled around the table. After a day of planning exactly how they were going to break the Martin girl out of Eichen House to save not only herself, but everyone around her. Scott and Stiles had come up with a plan. Whether it was a genius one or a stupid one? Anabelle couldn't quite tell.

She stood beside Liam, their shoulders brushing though they both attempted to pay no attention to it, despite the sparks that lingered against one another. Neither of them knew where they stood, but they knew they were one again. Together again, somehow, one way or another. Her blonde hair had been tied up into a messy ponytail, due to the lack of motivation to get ready, bags bruising beneath her worn brown hues.

"And we have to do all of this while getting past orderlies, guards, electric door locks, and a mountain ash barrier?" Isaac asked in disbelief, his brow arched in stupidity of the two boys— who made it seem as if it were the easiest thing ever.

"You have a plan for all that?" Spoke Malia, who's hand was beside Isaac's, their pinkies almost touching. Almost. Stiles nodded, digging into his pocket and pulling out an RDIF card, holding it between his fingers to show the rest of them.

"I stole this last night off an orderly... But, it's useless, 'cause they reset the codes each night."

Kira frowned in confusion. "So, why'd you take it?"

"I'm getting to that." Replied Stiles.

"The only way to get Lydia out of Eichen is to make that key card work again." Scott informed them, and Belle squinted her eyes, leaning forwards.

"I don't mean to be cynical. Cause I'm like totally in on this 'go Team McCall' shit. But how are we supposed to make the key card work again if the code's already expired?" She asked sarcastically, and Stiles huffed at the negativity, beginning to grow stressed.

"We're getting to that, okay? Just listen," He began, opening up his laptop and typing down erratically. "I pulled all the history off the key card. Two weeks ago, there was a brownout and the security system rebooted. During a reboot, all of the key cards revert back to a default code. So, if we trigger a reboot..."

"The card goes back to the default code. It works again."

Kira asked, "How are we going to cause a brownout?"

"That's your part. You're going to draw power from the main line-- but only enough to cause the brownout."

"Not a blackout. Do that, and you send Eichen into lockdown, which would be bad. Very, very bad." Scott and Stiles replied, the pack looking down at the map of Eichen, where the Alpha points to a spot.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now