𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝟭𝟳. an old friend

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AFTER PICKING UP MALIA, the pack had headed towards the hospital where they'd drop Belle and Liam off. They couldn't exactly come to Senior Scribe with them, but atleast Melissa and David Geyer would be there incase of any trouble. "My dad's helping out in surgery. He's not gonna be done for hours," Liam told Scott as the three walked through the hospital. "So we're either hanging out here, or we can still go with you guys?" He suggested, not wanting to be left alone.

"Show me your hands." Scott spoke, and hesitantly, Liam slipped his fingers from Belle's showing him the healing wounds from where he was trying to control his shift. It was working, but only when Belle was there to calm him down.

"Okay, so I'm still having trouble..." He began.

"No, you're still learning. How'd you think Belle's here right now without her restraints on. She learns control throughout the full moon. What do you do to stay focus on staying in control?" He asked, and Liam motioned towards the blonde, also picking up his headphones.

"But it's not the working that well. I mean, it's fine when Belle's there. But the moment it's just me and my music, it's like it all comes toppling back over." Liam explained, and Scott smiled.

"That's because she's your anchor."

"His what?" Belle asked, actually paying attention from where she was looking around the hospital.

"Someone who brings you back, keeps you in cheque. You instantly calm down at the mere thought of them. Look, it's gonna be difficult for you, Liam. And sometimes even an anchor might not hold you back, but Derek told me you were one of the strongest Beta's he'd seen at your age. And coming from him, that means a lot. Also means, things might be harder for you for a while, but it also means something else— doesn't it?" Scott explained, stepping into the elevator and holding it to carry on his conversation.

"That I'm really strong?" Liam guessed.

"Hell, yeah." Scott beamed before the doors closed, leaving the two freshmen on their own.

"Not as strong as me though." Belle joked, ruining the moment as Liam scoffed.

"Yeah, right. I crush you at Arm Wrestle." He snapped, following after the blonde who began to prance through the hospital, a little more hyperactively than Liam.

"And I crush you at Normal Wrestling."

"No you don't, you just fling me into the wall when you lose?!" Liam called out, receiving a few strange looks as he struggled to keep up with Belle. He followed after the girl, the two running through the hospital floors and ignoring the lectures from others to be careful. They'd been messing around for ten minutes, until they'd reached the doors of the Morgue, and Belle was confused when Liam had came to a stop, listening inside to Melissa, Noah and Parrish's conversation.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now