Book 1 Chapter 1

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This story is a work of fiction and completely a fragment of my imagination. I have worked hard on this book and I do hope you enjoy it. This is not the usual werewolf book. There will be death and a lot of it, there will be gore and blood so it really is not for the faint hearted. Iv put my heart and soul into this book and I hold all rights to it because of it. This book is for mature readers only. And in order for you to really enjoy it I would suggest you have a dirty mind because there is without doubt sex and a lot of it ;) I would really appreciate any feedback and votes but please keep in mind I know there is mistakes in this book but I ask you to go with it until I can edit it better. I'm in a rush trying to finish book 3 in this series because I have had good reviews on other apps. So once it's finished and uploaded I can edit it again. I am dyslexic so editing does not come easy for me but I am trying. Other then that enjoy and let me know what you think of it! And if you think you would enjoy a hard copy of this book let me know!

Chapter 1

I heard a crunch then the pain shot through me like a bolt of lightning. What the hell. I was just dreaming of my mate, my eyes were tired and heavy but I pushed them open only to see a boot fly my way. "Get up you lazy tramp" my father said with venom in his voice. Fuck I hate him so much, then again in an instant his boot connected to my rib. I know for definite it was broke again. Bastard!! I thought in my head knowing if I react it will all get worse. So I pushed myself up on my hands from the floor where I slept. Thankfully the bastard had let me be when he saw I was awake. I went to the bathroom to inspect the damage and I was correct my rib was broken, there was a large black bruise over the area where the monsters foot had hit me. I put on the shower and stripped my clothes of as best I could without screaming in pain. When I was naked I looked at myself in the mirror. I was black and blue all over, every inch of my body was covered in scars and bruises, if they weren't new it wouldn't belong before the old bruises became new again. I was skinny and small. My hair was long and black and it hit the top of my bottom, I had bright hazel eyes with hints of gold in them, I was skin and bone and I found myself completely unattractive. Or maybe I believed it because that's what I was told my hole life. I reached up to grab a towel from the shelf in the bathroom I had to stretch and i wenced at the pain as my tiny 5ft body tried to reach for it. Finally I caught an edge and pulled it down. The pain was bad today I might need to go to the pack hospital, it was close to school if I leave on time my father wouldn't suspect anything. I got into the hot shower I washed were I could but honestly I couldn't bend or stretch to far it was just to painful this time.
I would heal but slowly as I haven't shifted yet. I wasn't 18 for another few days. After my first shift every bruise will last a few hours and days instead of weeks, every broken bone will heal when I shift into wolf form. Every bone in your body breaks when you shift so when you come back to human form any injury would mostly be healed. I have 2 more days of being this weak little useless child and hopefully I could defend myself. I dried myself as well as I could and dressed, I left the dump I called a room and headed for the kitchen. My stomach rumbled but what's new there I was always hunger. I can't remember the last time I had a full meal in this house. I only every got to eat when I was at work or at school even then it was whatever was the cheapest.
When I got to the kitchen I pulled out 2 cups and filled them with coffee. I took a drink then placed it down and turned the oven on then pulled out the bacon placed it on a pan and pushed it into the oven then I got eggs prepared and scrambled them and heated up some beans and made some toasts, I took the bacon out and plated everything up. My father does not like crispy bacon. And honestly it might be one of the things i hate most about him. It's got no flavour like that. It looks raw ughhh. Anyway I plated it all up left it on the table and placed the cup beside the food. I took one last swig of my coffee and walked towards the door I passed the asshole in the hall and he sent me flying into the table close by. I screamed in pain and he laughed. I bit my lip trying not to give him any more satisfaction then he already had. I forced my body up ignoring the pain and through gritted teeth I said "breakfast is on the table" then I got to the door I Went through it and I slammed it shut behind me as hard as I could "have some fucking manners you tramp" I heard him roar behind me. I chuckled and thought loudly "I hope I break your house you dick" then I slowly but surely limped the rest of the way and made it to the pack hospital just as one of the doctors was arriving, his face scrunched up and he ran to me
"lilly what the fuck did he do now" I just looked at him and said "ribs" he nodded and lifted me up bridle style, I was so thankful for dr McCaw or doc as I called him. He placed me on a bed and pulled up my shirt "for fuck sake this has to stop lilly he's going to kill you" I looked down at my hands "Ino but 2 days is all I need and il be able to shift and then that will help" he sighed "lilly it won't stop him doing this though. He's going to continue to do it you need out of his house" I knew what he said was true but if my dream came true all I needed was 5 more days and my mate would find me. I don't have much faith in anything but when god shows me something I know it's important and I know it will come to pass so I smiled up at the doc and said "it's ok I will get out soon ok? But for now I have my last final today and I need to get there can you fix me up so I can kick it's ass and get this school thing done" he looked at me in disbelief "I don't know how you have so much strength but I'm in awe of it, sit up and il wrap you up" I smiled at him and to distract myself I asked about his family and wife he happily talked away while he done his job.

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