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"Aaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhh bastard"

I stood up and banged the table. mum got up on high alerts

"I'm going to rip that bitch to bits. ASPEN NOW!"

I take off outside and the rest of the wolves take of into the forest with me towards the pain. I smell death in the air. I run faster than i've ever ran before when another pain rips through my chest. She's killed 2 of my wolves now and I'm killing her so fucking slowly she will cry for death.

As I reach the clearing she's cornered.


I throw my aura at her and she screams and falls to her knees. I Link warriors to lift my wolves remains and bring them to the house. I grab the bitch by the hair and pull her along the ground. I dive my foot into her rib cage. I don't think I've ever been filled with so much rage. She tries to bite me as I trail her along.

"You killed my mate"

The peace's of the puzzle click together

"You were that tramps mate. Well good job he's dead"

I spit at her and drag her screaming body the entire way to the cellar. Caden looked worried when he saw me as I threw her against a wall as hard as I possibly could. The wolves gave me all their strength and aspen was at my side snarling at her.

"Get me a jug of wolfsbane and a hose"

My body was trembling.

"You killed 2 of MY PACK!!!! YOUR EVEN MORE THICK THEN YOUR DEAD FUCKING MATE!!!!!!! You won't have the luxury of dying quickly like him. No, you're going to beg to die. You should have let my wolves kill you. They would have made it fast!!!"

Caden handed me the hose and I took her by the scruff of the neck and pushed it down her throat. When it was down far enough, Caden held her for me and I took the funnel and poured the water down her throat. She screamed bloody murder but I didn't care. I didn't even feel bad.

All the older wolves were around us by now all of them wanted blood just like me. She killed 2 of our pups and she would pay for that. When I was done I pulled out the hose and Caden dropped her. I took her by the hair and dragged her to the middle of the floor so her parents had a good view.

"Kill her slowly boys. And don't eat her stomach"

I drop her and they attack, tearing lumps out of her. I walk out of the cellar and once I get to the top I drop needing air. The emotions of the mother wolves are taking full effect in my head. Dad came up and lifted me off the ground and carried me home.

"Who did you lose"

"My flower pot men"

I cried into his shoulder as he carried me home and out back. He helped me bring Bill and Ben into the wolf enclosure in front of their mothers. When that was done we all howled into the air. I left them to grieve as I went inside.

2weeks later....

I go through the motions of training like normal every morning. Iv already completed the junior training and now I was with the adults. I fought with max but I got bored easily. I can see his moves before he makes them so I don't even see the point anymore. The only people who can really challenge me is Caden, mum and dad. They are busy this morning and Caden won't even look in my direction.

'Stop blaming yourself Baylee. He reacted badly. Yes you should not have done it but he should not be treating us like this'

'I know but I miss him and Cade so much. I can't take much more'

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