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Soon we were walking into the kitchen hand in hand as we did congratulations was shouted and party poppers went of all around us drake nearly had a heart attack lifting me up and shielding me. When everyone started to laugh he realised what was happening and put me down again but still held me close. Soon people were crowding round us giving us hugs and well wishes, Emma's parents were there and they came right up to me wrapping me in a hug then I introduced them to drake who took there hand and said thank you for coming. All our friends parents were there as well as my old alpha and Luna. They also embraced me kissing me on the cheek and congratulating me. Soon everyone was tapping there glass saying "speech speech speech" so drake pulled me into him and started with "I want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate the love I have for my mate. We are so happy we can share these moments with you all. I want to thank Emma, Roisin and Fiona for taking the time to plan this and just so you all know if we ever need drill sergeant you can borrow our Emma. I don't think my men have ever been as afraid of anyone ever before" at that the crowd erupted in laughter and he held his glass of champagne up "but on a serious note I found my Luna in such a state I thought she was going to die. When she woke from what felt like an eternity she instantly knew who I was, and without even realising it she helped me become a better person, a better man and a better alpha all with in 30seconds of knowing her. She done all that when I was meant to be helping her but instead she saved me. I just want to take this minute to say to my lilly that never will I ever take you for granted, never will I stray, never ever will my love for you do anything but grow. You've made me a man, and an alpha and even a father and I won't ever forget that. I love you my perfect Luna" then he held me tight and kissed me. Wiping away tears that I never realised had fallen. After a few minutes of grossing our guests out we cooled it and went to grab some food. Then came the games we were to sit back to back in the middle of the floor each holding a small whiteboard, we were not aloud to link each other but one by one people would asked us a question and we wrote down the answer then had to guess the other persons truth in the end all the talking we had done paid off we new almost everything about each other. By the end I was yawning and excited to spend some quiet time with drake and our son so we excused ourselves and rang drakes mother when she answered the FaceTime drakes father was in the back feeding Noah "he's been an angel will you let him spend the night with us since you both will be stealing him away for a week after the ceremony" I giggled but I really did want to bring him home then drake whispered in my ear that it might be the last chance we get to be alone for a few days or even weeks so I gave in "ok but I want him back for morning training and if he cries just ring us I don't care what time it is he's coming home ok?" She grinned "ofcourse Honey now go enjoy your last night of freedom we will see you first thing tomorrow morning. Sweet dreams" we hung up the phone and before I could even think of missing Noah drake had me in his arms in the elevator stripping me naked kissing me all over nipping at my skin here and there, when the door chimed to a stop he ran with me into our room placing me naked on all fours "close your eyes baby" I did what I was told and soon I felt a silk tie go around my eyes "now the rules are you do not talk until you are told to, you do not growl until I tell you you can. Under no circumstances can you call me anything other then SIR and most importantly you will not come until I say so" at his last words he spanked me with something and I moaned
In response "answer me my love" "yes sir" i croaked in shock then again he spanked me harder this time. Ohhh my this felt good and again he spanked me and again and again then I felt his hands trail down my spin pass my bum and he started to insert his fingers but instead he removed them and I cried out in response begging to be full "did I say you could talk my love" "no sssiir" "now why would I fill you up when I'm just getting started. Plus do you feel how wet you are" then he hit me on my vagina hard "aaaaah" "mmmm you like that do you" then he hit me again seductively pulling the flogger up over my bottom hitting me again and again slowly moving it up everytime eventually bringing it around over my nipples making me squirm hitting them repeatedly. Once again I could feel his hands at my back end "ohh baby you really are enjoying this, I have so many plans but first I need a taste. But remember don't cum. If your close tell me first" "yyyes sirr" i bit my lip trying to resist begging him to take me. Instead I felt his lips on my butt cheek kissing it then nipping it, the sensation was welcome while the anticipation inside me grew. He trailed his tongue down reaching my opening and licking my nectar, he took his fingers and started to squeeze and nip my clit making me scream LOUD. Gosh this was good. Then slowly he started to fill me with his finger and instantly the orgasim started to build and I started to slowly ride his fingers as he licked my juices "ahhhh I'm going to cum" then he pulled out. Cheeky bastard! A second later he made me stand then kneel on what I'm guessing was the footstool at the end of our bed. Once again I was on all fours then nudging at my lips trying to get in was his thick wet cock. I put my tongue out and licked right up his slit enjoying the taste of his pre cum. Then slowly I took him into my mouth and started to suck and eventually I relaxed the hold I had on his dick and with force I took him all inside me. I had to stop so my gag reflex would calm down then slowly I moved my head pulling him out with a pop then slowly swallowing him again. I went faster feeling him grow inside and just as I thought my mind was going to explode he hit me hard with his whip right through the slit in my bottom making contact with my wet vagina so in response i sucked harder as drake started to fuck my mouth faster while he repeatedly whipped me time after time making every peace of skin on my body even more sensitive then what it was before. His dick grew even bigger and every time he slammed into my mouth down my throat drake screamed in pleasure then he took the flogger and trailed it over my nipples making them more sensitive then ever before. Then he started to slap each one leaving a sting of pain then a bust of pleasure every time the flogger connected to my nipple while he removed himself from my mouth "aaaahh I'm going to cum now sirrrrrr" "has my Luna had enough"
"No sir I wanttt you inside me now"
"Mmmmm turn around and bend over the bed"
"Yes sir"
I did what I was told and in one smooth move he filled me up, he was so big there was hardly any room left but he pushed himself through making me cum around his dick before he even started "aaaaah I'm coming" so he slammed in hitting my gspot making my orgasim more intense then again slam slam slam "yesss sir that's so good sirr" I could feel him start to twitch so I started to meet him pump for pump the stars really did crash to earth as drake shattered me into a million peace's of heaven.then he leaned forward biting my mark making my insides convulse and drain drake of all his juices, with him inside me Drake moved us up the bed and we lay naked still attached while our bodies come down from the most amazing high. Drake held on to me so tight as we drifted of to dreamland.

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