Book 1 chapter 5

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I licked the slit at the end of his length then grabbed him with my hands and looked up at him as I started to suck the tip of his d**k then he moaned loudly and slowly started to move in and out of my mouth with his length. Never breaking eye contact with him. As soon as he pulled out I would suck and lick the tip of him and he would moan and soon the moan got louder, and more frazzled and he started to pump into me faster so I grabbed hold of his balls and started to massage them "fuck lilly yes baby that's amazing I'm going to cuuu.... ahhhhh" by now I sqeezed his balls harder and started to meet his thrusts harder and harder until his dick started to vibrate and eventually he came screaming my name. I sucked and groaned and swallowed every last drop while never breaking eye contact. I was so hot I could come without him even touching me. Things slowed down and I pulled my mouth of him slowly then lay back onto the floor panting, he was still staring at me against the door panting to, I smiled satisfied with myself and how well I was able to please him. Before I new it he had me in his arms and had his head in the crook of my neck sniffing and licking me.

"How did I get so lucky you are amazing baby. I love you so much. I'm just so fucking lucky"
I looked at him through my eyelashes "is that right sir do you honestly think your that lucky sirrrr" I almost purred the last sir out of me and it worked he attacked me and started to tickle and kiss all over me I was giggling so hard "are you being smart Luna, will I need to sort that smart mouth out baby? How should I punish you? With tickling or by orgasim... mmm infact I know just what I can do he took the tie that was hanging by the bed and tied my hands above my head and in one swift move he ripped my shirt of me and ripped my T-shirts open then went to work teasing me licking me.. biting me ohhh it felt so good and as the pressure started to build and my back started to arch he stopped what he was doing then moved to my jeans and pulled them of me then went back to my stomach and started to kiss it all over then lick down until he got to my clit and started to lick it through my pants, by now they were soaking wet and he pulled them of and started to finger me finding my g-spot immediately and I screamed as pleasure shot through me I was so close to coming but instead he moved back up my body and in my ear "I'm going to put a pup in you what do you think of that" hell yes I want his pup "iiii would love that sir" he growled as I said the word sir and a smile spread across my face "no one but you will ever be aloud to call me sir again, just the thought of it makes me hard" I bit my lip looking at him innocently again he growled and kissed my mark making my back arch again and as my back came back down to earth he pushed into me with so much force I screamed "arghhhhh yesssssss" "you are so perfectly tight, your made just for my dick I love you, you are MINE AND THIS PUP WILL BE MINE" taking a breath "yes sir I'm all yours and this pup will be yours and I never thought it possible to love someone as much as I love you" this gave him the extra push he needed and pumped into me so hard I could hardly catch my breath. It was so good before long stars started to appear and I met him pump for pump then my back arched and he took his teeth and bit my nipple a scream came from my mouth and we became frantic and he pumped harder again then he started to twitch inside me and I could feel my walls tighten around him and he bit down on my mark and I bit his and once again ecstasy hit us and we went limp "fuck that was so good baby" I said through pants trying to catch my breath he smiled into the crook of my neck and kissed me "yes I think we are experts, can I ask you a question?" I smiled "anything"
"It's ok if you have lilly but have you ever had sex before" I went into shock I never wanted to talk about this but he was my mate and I think I needed to tell him because if it happened to him I would want to know so I took a deep breath as tears filled my eyes I hung my head in shame "em a few years ago about a month after my mother had died I was 13 and my fathher he tried to rape me. Well he technically did but before he could finish I managed to kick him of and punch him in the face. He never tried it since and I haven't let anyone touch me either so technically yes he done it but I only ever wanted to wait for my mate."
I was to afraid to look up at him and see his face. What if he rejects me or hates me "look at me lilly" he sounds annoyed fuck why did I say anything when I looked at him he was crying "oh lilly I'm so sorry this has happened to you please come here let me hold you"
"You don't want to reject me?"
"Excuse me? Eh nooo" he sounded pissed "you are my queen do you realise that? Do you know iv waited my entire life for you. Iv thrown myself into work so I could have this pack in perfect order and built my businesses up so you would never have to worry about money. The moment I found you I was searching for the most amazing scent but I was so worried because all I could smell was blood mixed in so when you fell into my arms I new I would do whatever it was that I needed to do to make sure you never ever got hurt again. I would move mountains and kill for you lilly. Infact I'm going to kill for you. Your sad excuse for a father will suffer at my hand because of what he has made you endure. I love you lilly and as soon as we get home to OUR pack I will officially make you Luna and put my family's wedding band on your finger. Your already mine but you will be our packs Queen to and I can't wait to watch them spoil you the way you deserve to be spoiled. I love you lilly so no I will never ever reject you. And I'm so happy to say that iv waited for you. You have been my first and you will forever be the only person iv been with. My life starts and ends with you" I just cried into him so relieved "thank you" is all I could master. I cried for another few moments when drakes phone rang "yes give us 10 we are running late" he looked at me and I smiled and got up and walked to the vanity. Thankfully the pain had eased a little and my tears stopped. I washed my face then decided to add a little concealer to cover the redness then reapply a little mascara and lipstick and put on my dress, I would have loved to wear the shoes but I know my body would hurt to much so I decided on a pair of flat sandals that drake kindly put on for me, he looked dashing in a white shirt no tie with a dress jacket and some dark jeans and his dress shoes. He was so beautiful. I walked towards the door and he stopped me
"Eh where do you think your going?" he said I looked confused. "I mean your not walking all the way down no il carry you and you can walk into the restaurant yourself ok?" I smiled. I would do anything if it meant giving him some peace. As we left our room we met the others coming from there's also everyone looked so pretty. We went down the hall and onto the street and came to a small restaurant and the smells that was coming from there was Devine. I smiled as drake put me on my feet and lead me into the restaurant where we were greated by my old alpha and Luna and there 3 beautiful girls.
but just as we went to sit down marcs head shot up and he went straight to the oldest girl who was around my age and the word "mate" left there lips at the same time. Before we new it they were sucking each other's face of and my old alphas face was a picture. But his wife started to jump up and down with joy we all cheered and laughed and even the alpha calmed down a little when they eventually stopped eating each other's saliva. Her name was Roisin and I loved that name so unusual I turned to Fiona who had tears in her eyes "it looks like we are going to have a full house of ladies now" I winked at her and she tried to hold back her excitement but she failed miserably. When talk started it was light and nice and we talked about drakes pack and where it was thankfully it was not to far from droim mor pack so Roisin could come visit her parents as often as she liked. It was a lovely evening and as things in the restaurant died down.
Then alpha Martin asked me what happened the other day. "Well he beat me and blamed me for him being late to your meeting. And for not waking him up that morning so he left me in a pool of my own blood after he beat me. I passed out finally. And When I woke up I had coats thrown over me he said he put them there to hid me while you had a meeting in the next room. Finally when you all left he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up and told me to get out and help with the food so I left. The pain was so bad I couldn't even walk no more so as I fell to the ground drake caught me" by now drake had lifted me and placed me on his knee and had his head in the crook of my neck trying to keep us both calm "when he touched me my body just relaxed and I fell on the floor knowing I was safe. The next time I woke up I was in hospital" just then drake pulled out his phone and looked me in the eye and said
"I took these photos as evidence as I new I would find out who done this and I wanted to make sure it was all above board when I killed him" his eyes were black and I could feel the tension in his body so I started giving him calmly strokes up and down his back this seemed to help a little. Martin took the phone and him and his Luna Kate both quickly looked through the photos and in total shock he shook his head. "I am so ashamed that I had no idea you were laying in a room next door to our meeting in this shape and I never new. I am so sorry Luna lilly. Forever I will be in your debt after this." Just then Luna Kate cleared her throat "lilly how long has this been going on sweetheart?"
"For as long as I can remember he would beat me and then my mother when she tried to stop him. Eventually she stopped fighting for me to so she never had any more beatings after that. Then when she died he got worse. It went from every week to every day, then he wouldn't let me eat a meal just whatever left overs there were left. He would never give me money so I worked so hard just to keep clothes on my back. He would rip my homework up or light it on fire so I was forever getting into trouble there to until I learned to stay late at school and do the work while I pretended to be at work. Eventually he would steal any money I made and one day I just had enough and told the manager who is now my best friend in the world what was happening so she took me to the bank and helped me set up a secret Savings account and then I would give quarter of my check to dad and live and save any extra I had. Then this happened and he beat me so hard it felt like it lasted for hours. I really thought he would have killed me this time" a growl escaped drakes lips and he grabbed onto me tighter. As I looked around everyone had tears in there eyes but being the strong woman she was Kate looked me straight in the eyes and said what I was dreading "did he ever touch you any other way lilly" I closed my eyes and this time drake was the one rubbing my back. I took a breath and told them the details that I remember from that night. They were all furious in there own way. Luna Kate looked her husband in the eye and nodded. "Lilly you have been through so much and we are delighted that you have found happiness now. You will always be a friend of this pack and are welcome back any time. But you have our full support to take your father and kill him. He is your responsibility now. He has been stripped of his title and excommunicated but take this as a warning. Your father is a tricky greedy dirty player and he will try to escape. You have our full support but I beg you for your own sake. Kill him before he does any more damage to any other person ok?"
I gulped but drake held his hold on me even tighter "don't you worry Luna he will be dealt with as quickly as possible so we can all move on with our lives" he said calmly
The night ended lighter then the rest of it and I genuinely had a good time, I loved Fiona and I new Roisin was going to be a great friend to. It didn't take long for Roisin and Marc to sneak off back to the hotel room where I'm sure they had an entertaining night just like Myself and drake, we made love and talked and made love then we bathed together and had naps in between. I couldn't get enough of him and I honestly thought I'd never be able to
Stop making love to him. He had quickly became my hole world and i wouldn't wish it to be any different.

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