19 & 20

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I looked at him and in my head banshee agreed with him so I done what I could to push them out then I nodded towards drake telling him I was ok and he was ok to go back to continue to save kids. But he could not get back in. the flames were to full and the smoke to dark. As I looked around people were crying, doing what they could but hearing the screams of children and there careers burning alive will haunt them forever like it will haunt me. Fiona started to panic beside me "Fiona what's wrong"
"He's still in there he won't leave not until he gets the last child that's alive" tears were streaming down her face and I linked Ben "Ben are you sure you can get out when you save the child"
"He's in my arms Luna, il be out in a minute"
"Hurry Ben the place is going to collapse around you"

"Fiona he has him, he is coming out now. Drake be ready to help him" soon a figure made there way out of heavy dark smoke and fell to his knees. Drake ran for them helping Ben to his feet and taking the screaming child in his arms the doctor rushed to Ben and gave him oxygen then turned to the child with tears in her eyes. Every part of his body was burned "there's nothing I can do for him other then pain relief. But he won't survive I'm afraid"
No way would I stand for that I walked up to drake "put him on the ground"
"Love you can't heal anymore"
"I don't have to fully heal him. Just enough to help him live" he nodded at me, he knew not to argue not about this. I put my fingers to his temples and as I healed him he showed me his memories. I'm not sure how but I watched as a hooded person came in and put a bomb by the gas tank, they spotted the boy and went straight to them as he coward in the corner. THe hooded figure came to his face it was Roisin. She pushed passed him locking the door behind her, keeping him locked behind to get the full effect of the bomb. Then I was being shook "love you need to stop your bleeding again"
"Sorry" I said tiredly, "he showed me Roisin set the bomb. Roisin done this" his face went hard as he pulled me in and I cried into his shoulder. I must have passed out because when I woke up next I was in the pack hospital, but I didn't have time for sleep I lifted myself up but drake stopped me "love you need rest, everyone who has been saved are resting, there is nothing for us to do tonight ok?" I nodded
"Can we go to our bed now I need the kids"
"Ofcourse love but I'm carrying you" he took me into his arms and brought us to our room and we met a frantic looking Sarah holding both the babies "what is it Sarah what's wrong" drake said "she was here alpha, she was just here. I seen her coming and I ran to the roof and locked the door. She didn't know we were there or even that there was a roof. She left about 10 minutes ago I watched as she left the house I could see her leave the house and she shifted and went into the forest. To the north "why did you not link me"
"I did but you were blocking everyone. I linked Ben him and Marc and some warriors are away looking for her"
"Sorry Sarah I didn't mean to snap it's been a hard night. I'm going to get Fiona and Emma up here to stay with you both and the babies I'm going to see what's happening with Ben ok?"
I nodded at him he needed to do what he needed to do and I wouldn't stop him soon 2 very emotional ladies came into the room and when I saw them I cried also. Then Sarah joined in as we mourned the loss of so many innocent kids. We all lay in bed together with the door locked the only one who had a key was drake. We put on twilight not able to even concentrate on the show but to shocked to sleep. Soon I eventually drifted of after drake linked me to say all was going well and they had caught Roisin's scent. It helped me relax and soon I was fast asleep by our babies and by my ladies.

When I woke up I was in drakes arms and the smell of fire and burnt flesh was attached to both of us. When I looked at his face his eyes were open just watching me. There was ash on his face and he looked drained. "Hey love, we didn't get her. We lost her scent a few miles away and we searched for hours after that but no luck. Iv cancelled training today so we are going to have a meeting with the crew at breakfast to see if we can figure out what to do next" "are you ok babe" I felt his emotions they were everywhere and I could feel the heaviness on his heart. Much like my own. "No im not I could do with a bath will you join me?" I smiled up at him "I will go run it for you for a change." He just nodded and let me out of his arms when I didn't see the babies I panicked "Sophie already has them downstairs love. Ben and Fiona are with them" I just nodded in response overwhelmed and thankful to have Sophie. I ran the bath and drake got in taking me on his knee we just held each other while I listened to his emotions to make sure he was ok "you can let it out you know" I looked into his eyes and he shattered into peace's in my arms crying his heart out. I joined him and we just held each other and cried letting every emotion from the past few days out. I'm not sure how long we sat there but the water went cold when I realised we had both stopped crying.

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