23 & 24

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After we interviewed the contractor and I felt like he was trustworthy drake told him to start right away and that's what he did then he turned to me "Go get sports gear on love. Meet me in the gym"
"Sounds like a plan" I kissed him deeply before climbing of his knee. going to the closet and finding something to wear when I was done I went to the gym. Drake, my dad and Ben was there. "We are all going to help train you love. You can do this. Ok?"
I smiled at my dad he had become one of my most favourite people. Soon they were showing me some defensive moves and I had to copy them with drake. This went on for another while as I practiced and practiced. Then Ben replaced drake and came at me from the side. I stepped back while he missed me as I quickly kicked him in the back of the knees. He fell to the ground as my father grabbed me from behind. I pushed my arms down loosening his grip on me enough so I could elbow him in the stomach and as he let his arm move to protect his stomach I turn and kneed him in the privates. Pulling him over my shoulder and letting him land on top of Ben but now drake ran towards me and I slide to the left then turned as he passed me and I caught him by the shoulders while I rounded his body and kneed him in the stomach as he reacted and caught his stomach i jumped on his back elbowing him in the kidney but he grabbed me my the legs pulling me sending me falling to the ground. But before I touched the ground I caught myself then I rolled into a ball making drake lose his balance long enough for me to use my legs to wrap around his neck and catching his arm pulling him to the ground. Then I managed to use his arm and hold it behind his back on top of the other 2 men holding the back of his neck
"Mercy mercy mercy" I giggled and got of them and when they finally did recover they were looking at me in shock "love I thought you had no training?"
"I don't" I said with furrowed brows
"Love iv never seen anything like it. What you done was simple but the injuries took longer to recover from. Like you helped us feel pain while you fought"
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you all" I felt awful "no no no that was awesome! Infact I'm calling Matt and some of the warriors in. I want to watch you do it again. But this time think of actually inflicting real pain. Don't kill them just imagine them on the ground unable to get up while you fight ok?" Ben said but drake stepped infront of me "noooo fucking way! They will fucking hurt her Ben!"
"No they wont. I really tried to get up but I couldn't. I'm telling you she could be our secret weapon. But she needs to practice"
"Fuck sake Ben nooooo"
"Drake don't be a dick think about it. We need her."
"I will think about it then! I need food we can come back later!"

After dinner we were organised and almost ready for Roisin. The men agreed to help the ladies with furniture and things to make the vulnerable comfortable with enough food to last a few days. Evelyn helped massively with everything and helped organising the men so they new what to do and when to do it. Work had already started in the tunnels and drake paid double the rate so they would work all night. They hoped they would be finished the following morning.
"We need to go back and practice love, we will need Sarah to put the kids to bed tonight"
Disappointed that I couldn't have my evening with my babies but determined to learn how to defend myself and my family I nodded then took a breath "I think bens right. We need a few warriors" Drakes jaw went square he was not on board "no lilly not a fucking chance!"
"What if we just added Matt to the training? Then we can see about everyone else after I put him on his ass" Ben chuckled and Matt looked at me "not a fucking hope will you put me on the ground Luna. Not even drake can do that" he said confidently "ha I have $100 on lilly" I grinned at Ben "il take that bet Ben, I would love to watch Matt get beat!" Marc chimed in and I laughed but drake was stiff "fine we can add Matt. But Matt if you so much as bruise her il fucking kill you"
"That's not fair drake. It needs to be realistic it's the only way il learn" I said while drawing calming circles on his back
"Agreed. And if she's as tough as you all say she is she won't have a problem" Matt said and I smiled at him "come on babe lighten up. Il be ok. let's do this!" everyone decided to come watch and Emma bet that Matt would win with Fiona Siding with Ben. It was all very entertaining. When I got to the gym banshee talked "ok lilly stand in the middle of the room and feel there emotions as they come close to you. When they do think of them in pain on the ground but imagine you on the floor above them moving where they don't want you to move." I done what she said and prepared myself.

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