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"Ofcourse Luna do it now. We will keep him here. Lilly why don't you go help her do that and we will stay with the alpha" I smiled and he squeezed my hand then I left leading the Luna to the kitchen who broke down in tears when we were far enough away.
"Oh Luna I'm so sorry are you ok?"
"Yes sweetheart because of you and your kindness I will be ok" then she pulled out the phone and rang her daughters who were together "yes mum ofcourse il pack now and il let you know when we are on the road" the older girl said "go to my safe and collect all the money and jewellery that's in it, then go to your fathers and take the cash out of there aswell. That should keep us long enough to get on our feet. And only pack essentials for us all we can buy the rest. Il text you the address. You need to be on the road in 10 minutes ok?"
"Ok mum il ring you when we are on the road" they hung up and she turned to me "lilly I don't know how I will ever thank you. We won't be here long we will go to my parents pack when we can and please know I never had any idea that he was even capable of being involved in something so horrible."
"You can stay here for as long as you all need. But can I ask do you think your husband would actually help Roisin with the fire?"
"He wouldn't get his hands dirty no. But he was angry when he found out about Roisin's mate rejecting her. I mean furious. She has always been troubled and it didn't surprise me. But he has always treated her different and he would do anything for her so if he did advice her to do this then no I wouldn't be surprised but I am shocked at the extent he would go to. And if it's true I'm so sorry. I haven't stopped crying since I heard what she done. All those children. How could anyone ever be so cruel. She deserves to die in pain." Then tears started to flow again and I hugged her "it was not your fault. So now you need to get yourself together and make sure you have everything in order before it's time for him to leave. You can cry later, right now is time for action" as I hugged her I imagined the Luna I remember. Strong, honest and calm. Knowing exactly what she needed to do. when I pulled out of her hug she was all those things I imagined then flipped out her phone again "Luna can I please bother you for a cup of strong coffee. I have phone calls to make" I smiled and sat with her while she phoned the bank, the new beta female her husband took over for my fathers role when he died and the gamma female. She filled them all in and even got the men involved. All we're horrified when she told them what happened. She asked them all to investigate in secret and get back to her and told the beta if it's true she will contact the elders and have him arrested and the beta can take over the pack" I was so impressed and as soon as her kids rang I linked drake to tell them it was ok to let the alpha leave. Soon he joined us and the Luna filled him in. He smiled and was obviously extremely happy with how she handled everything "would you like to say goodbye to Roisin Luna?"
"Would it be possible alpha? I promise I don't like what she's done I just need to at least ask why she did what she did"
"She's your daughter. I completely understand. You have every right to say goodbye and ask her anything you need to ask"

Soon we were all walking into the prison cellar but when we got there something was wrong. A guard was on the ground passed out and another was in pain stabbed in the side I instantly went to him "who did this?" "It was that little fucker who beat cara, he got out somehow and stabbed me. I'm so sorry I tried to stop him" his name was Brandon he was only 18 and I could feel how angry he was at what Conor done. But if I'm right he wasn't angry at what Conor done to him. He was angry at what he done to cara. I could feel a pull of protectiveness towards her. I think I just found her real mate.
instantly the men were on guard and running around the place as I healed the guard then myself, drake and the Luna went in to find Roisin, I was happy to see her still wreathing in pain in a ball on the floor. I walked over to her and imagined her in less pain. But able to talk. Willing to tell her mother the truth and let her say the goodbye her mother deserve. When that was done myself and drake let the Luna talk with her daughter and we stood back to let them say goodbye.

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