Book 2 Chapter 16, 17 & 18

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Chapter 16

Hour 1..

The 3 of us got into the car and drove to the road side cafe. when we got there I walked straight up to the manager "I need your help. A girl that works here kidnapped my kids. I need to know her home address"
"Eh excuse me are you actually serious?"
"Yes I'm deadly serious. My husband planned a date here the other night he rented out this entire place. The girl that was working here that night she is the one who took them" drake was holding me steady I felt dizzy and so frightened but I couldn't let it stop me. The girl was frantic trying to call her boss but not getting through "I'm sorry I don't know what to do"
"It's ok. You need to stay calm. Have you got files where they keep social security numbers?"
"Yes yes we do come on back here" we followed her into a small office and drake seen the cook
"sir I rented this place out the other day. Can you tell me what waitress was working?"
"Your the one that severely pissed off Ciara"drake nodded "that's me. Do you know where she lives?"
"No dude sorry she's only new here and honestly she is weird. Iv tried my best to avoid her" drake nodded to the manager
"ok her names ciara" and she pulled out a file "here is everything we have on her. I'm not meant to be showing you this so maybe you could take a picture so I don't get in trouble?" I smiled at her and pulled out my phone taking photos of each page "thank you so much. Both of you. This means a lot" drake pulled out his wallet to pay her "please no. I don't need money, not for this. But I ask can you please let me know if yous get your little ones back" I smiled "may I take your number. And you take mine so if she comes back you can let me know? Just try to be natural around her?"
"Ofcourse" she called out her number and we left. We went straight to her home address calling a few warriors to come stay by the restaurant incase she comes back. When we got into the park it was pleasant "do we go knock?" "Hell yes. Il kill anyone I have to" drake said jumping out of the car. "Read them as I ask the questions" I nodded as he knocked the door and an older woman answered "hello can I help you?"
Drake started to talk "yes you can we are trying to get Intouch with Ciara?"
"Can I ask what for?"just then a man walked up behind her smiling at us "well she has helped to kidnap our daughter and son. We need to get in contact with her right now"
"Ciara? No Ciara's a good girl there is no way"
"Sorry to ruin it for you but she's definitely not a good girl. She's a very troubled girl. And she has kidnapped our kids"
"I just don't believe it. Why would she do that!" The woman looked to the man. She new she was capable of doing it I could feel her emotions "she wouldn't" the man spat then grabbed the door "now if you's will excuse us you must have the wrong house" drake grabbed the door "no we haven't and you know it" but the man grabbed his hand and said something that sounded like "vomoto" pushing a clear barrier up against the door "oh it's her alright that's the spell they used when they kidnapped you"
The woman's face fell I could tell she wanted no part in this "drake let's go they are not going to answer anything." I took my pen out of my bag and used it to write my name and number on an old receipt saying if she can think of anything to help us to please get in contact and I left it under a block on the porch looking back to the lady nodding to her but her husband swung the door closed and we went back to the car drake rang for more warriors to come steak out there house. It was getting dark so we made our way back home to see if anyone else had any new leads.

Hour 3...

On the way I felt sick again "drake pull over" he stopped and I emptied my stomach on the side of the road once again crying my heart out. Drake came and held me "this is my fault. It's all my fault. Why did I not keep them better protected. Why am I so stupid. This is my fault drake" and I roared and cried "no love it's not. It's Martin's fault not yours. You done everything you could to save me and you left our kids in a very protected safe pack house this was not your fault, please don't let this eat you up my love. I need you to help me stay strong and we can't do that if we are blaming ourselves" I stuck my head in his chest and cried. He was on the ground next to me so he pulled me on to his knee pulling me tighter and he cried to. For a long while we just cried unable to stop. I hadn't even been able to celebrate getting drake back never mind lose the kids at the same time.
My ringing phone pulled me out of the trance "it's fiona" so I answered it "come home iv managed to figure out the car they are in now. We just need to follow the trail and see where it leads" I nodded and hung up then pulled myself of the ground. Drake got up and we made our way home hopeful we could find our kids sooner rather then later. "One thing I just don't get is everyone we tortured said the same thing. Martian wanted you to feel what he felt. I thought that meant keeping you from your family but now I'm terrified it means something else" drake looked at me "what do you mean?"
"Well from what Kate has always said, Martin was never worried about losing there kids only Roisin. What if he wants to kill Baylee" his breath hitched and he put his foot down "not a fucking hope. Ring Kate I want her and her children at our house now" I done what he told me and drake rallied down the road. When we made it home we ran inside waiting on Kate to come we went straight to fiona "ok so see here this is the car that has them, they were moved to these 2 cars and we managed to follow them out this road. And now they seem to have went in this direction. I'm still trying to find any cameras from shops or cafes to see if they past this road or went down here" she said all this pointing at a map "why 2 cars if they are going in the same direction?" Drake said confused "I'm guessing because they are stronger together"'ben said
"Ok so we need to get teams out here now. In cars and in wolf form." Drake went on and on telling the men what they needed to do next and where to look. I took the minute to sit down and Evelyn handed me some toast "Luna please try a little. You look so ill" I smiled at her and took the toast and coffee "I feel it, it's just been a lot and my body is trying to keep up with my mind but it's not going very well" she sat down beside me and rubbed my back "may I tell you a story?" I smiled at her to go ahead "when I was a little girl my best friend was called tia, she was the alphas daughter and she was kidnapped. The alpha and Luna done everything in there power to save her. And eventually they did. But it was to late. But my point is they were not you and drake. They were not as smart, as special as dedicated to there pack the way you and drake are. Your both the strongest alpha and Luna iv ever met, you have done things in the last few days that alphas couldn't do and in doing so you got information that found drake. Your smart. You know what your doing and I have full faith in you. I know you can both do it but in order for you both to use the gifts yous have to help find those babies you both need to be healthy enough and strong enough to get through this. Do you understand Luna?" And for the first time in a while I did understand. I needed food and I needed to find them. So I smiled up at her "thank you Evelyn. Can you get food sorted for everyone. We need energy if we are going to get them back" "very well Luna" she smiled and got up from the table and started to prepare food for us all to eat. I took a bite of my toast fighting the feeling of nausea and swallowing it. Soon Kate joined us and I filled her in
"I'm so sorry I can't believe he would do this"
"Do you know this lady or why he would be with her?" She took the phone and looked at Megan's pictures "Lou do you know this girl? She looks familiar?" Lou kates older girl looked "I know her. She was friends with Roisin. They went to school together. I have her on Snapchat we talk sometimes"
"Can you send her a Snapchat? And ask how she is doing?"
"I can do one better" she handed me her phone and pointed to a little cartoon person on a map "that's where her phone is right now" drake took the phone and took a screenshot of the map and sent it to his phone "write to her anyway. Just be casual" I said and she smiled then wrote the message and sent it "do you know much about her?"
"Ino she's a witch? And out of all of Roisin's friends she was one of the nice ones. Honestly I'm not an expert but if I had to guess I'd say dad has something on her if this is what she's doing" I looked at drake "let's go find her then" drake said to me and Ben. I got up and we drove to the point in the map. It brought us to a dingy motel I sniffed the air and aspen took of to one of the rooms and sat outside it waiting for us. When I sniffed the air I could smell her and the mix of oil. I knocked the door with drake and Ben beside me with aspen at my feet. Once she opened the door aspen pounced on her pinning her to the dirty pink carpet "I'm sorry please don't kill me please I'm sorry"
"Aspen let her up" he done what he was told and got of her and she scurried back against a wall "where are they" I said "I don't know I swear I don't know"
"Yes you fucking do I can tell your lying"
"no I'm not I promise"
"Bullshit you know something so fucking tell me before I let aspen have his way with you!!"
Aspen snarled in her face.
"I tried to tell you. I gave him the note. But he threw it away" she pointed at drake then continued "Martin said if I didn't do it he would kill my parents. I just know that I took one car and he took the other. And we met people. I can tell you where we met them but that's all I know I promise" I took a step back and looked at drake for direction On what to do next "I looked at that note. All it said was ring me ASAP and your number! Nothing about the kids!"
"I couldn't tell you. Incase he found out. I'm sorry I'm so sorry" She was telling the truth "why you! Why did he ask you for help?"
"I don't know. I think because I was friends with Roisin and because I'm a witch" drake pulled out the map "tell me where you drove to. And how did you get back here?"
"There was a car waiting for me. A black car. I got in and it took me here he told me to wait for his instructions. I haven't heard from him since I promise" she was telling the truth so I reached for her hand and searched her memories.

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