Book 1 chapter 3

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I woke up with a sense of loss, i panicked not knowing where i was, machine's were beeping, i was cold i had no idea what was going on and i started to breathe to fast and one of the machines started to beep. Just then my dream ran through the door "are you ok!!!" He grabbed me and looked me over to make sure there was nothing else wrong. When he touched me i relaxed again then starred at his face and without realising it my hand touched his skin sending electric bolts through my body and under my hand he to relaxed and took it and kissed each finger inhaling the scent that came with them. The next moment he had my head in his hands and he leaned in and kissed my lips so softly it was almost unbearable. As I inhaled his scent I grabbed his face and pulled him tighter kissing him deeper he growled into my mouth and pushed me down onto the bed and i wrapped my legs around his hips loving every second of his touch
He started to pull away and I grabbed him closer i didn't want to stop
He started to giggle and i loved the sound but why was he giggling i needed him now. He laughed into my mouth this time and started to muffle "baby the doctors here to see you maybe we can pick this up when we are alone"
Alone? Doctor? Ohhhhh shiiiit
I pulled away feeling my face flared up "I'm so sorry, I'm so embarrassed"
Handsome put his hands up "believe me baby I didn't want to stop either" a girly giggle escaped my lips just then the doctor walked over smiling "don't worry about it I can't blame you to be honest" winking at me. I blushed again. Gosh I can't remember ever blushing this much before ever
"What your first name" the doctor asked
"It's lilly, lilly Morgan" I said with a small smile "and what pack are you from Lilly"
Oh crap the pack! my dad's going to kill me I was meant to be helping them. Oh fuck oh fuck
Handsome obviously sensed the mood change and he placed a hand on me and started to stroke my back up and down calming me instantly "em I'm from Droim mor pack"
"And what happened to you lilly" I chewed my bottom lip what the fuck should I do "lilly baby it's ok they won't hurt you ever again but I need to know who hurt you baby" I looked into his eyes and every fibre in my body believed what he said. "Myyymymy f-atherrr" he let out a sharp growl and I swung my head down to afraid to meet his gaze but this snapped him out of it and he grabbed my chin and pulled it up so my eyes met his again
"baby I'm not mad at you I'm mad at him. He's your father and he has hurt you so badly. How could he do that to you. It's so wrong and I'm so sorry I was not there to protect you please forgive me for not being there"
something snapped In me when I seen the hurt on his face noooo he can't blame himself I panicked. It was my turn this time I grabbed his face and I looked into his soul
"don't apologise for something he did. You have done nothing wrong and I trust that your Never going to let him do it again, isn't that right? Plus you kept me company in my dreams every night. You done more then I could have ever asked for".
He sighed in relief but he also looked confused but instead of asking what he wanted to ask he kissed me again lightly on the lips then the nose then my forehead. "Yes my queen" I smiled brighter then I think Iv ever smiled before.

"Ok lilly can you lay back so I can check your injuries and see how there healing" I done what I was told never letting handsomes eye contact drop or the smile plastered all over my face. Well until the doc started needing my side "aaaahhh" I screamed in shock. Fuck that was sore. I looked down and my entire side was black and purples, it was the ugliest bruise I think I've ever seen. I was actually quite shocked that's when she moved on to my arm where I had what looked like stitches. Then my legs they were thankfully for the most part injury free. When the doctor was done she done some charting then handed me a peace of paper "ok lilly your body is healing very quickly, here is a prescription for morphine but only for when the pain is uncontrollable, you will be back to full form in the next week but until then if you could try shift your body will heal easier. Other then that you can go with strict instructions to stay away from your father and to take it easy ok?"
Panicked filled me up
"where will I stay though" she frowned then smiled
"when did you find each other?"
"Just when I brought her in doc, and lilly baby your coming home with me. Your my mate and officially my packs Luna. No one will ever touch you again you have my word"
Tears started to fill my eyes oh-my-gosh he is perfect "I would really love that" I said As a tear pooled in the brim of my eyes and ran down my cheek I realised something and laughed "what is it baby"
"Well I'm your love, your mate, even your Luna. And I'm about to move in with you and I don't even know your name"
He chuckled again and I think it just became my most favourite sound ever "I'm drake baby and I'm so relieved to finally have found you I can already tell we will be so happy" then he lifted me and cradled me into his arms inhaling my scent as he done it and I could feel the smile that crossed his lips as he let me lean on him.
"How's about I get you out of here into OUR room and I order us some dinner while you have a soak in the bath"
"Oh that sounds so lovely do you not need to get prepared for tomorrow morning?" The big summit meeting was starting early tomorrow so he couldn't miss it "I do sweetheart but honestly it's just a formality, even if it wasn't id still bring you with me after finding you the way I did today. You ARE MY LUNA! MINEEE and no one puts there hands on my soulmate, my queen my mate without having to face me afterwards." I gulped inwardly at his cold words and even colder deliverance,

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