Book 2 Chapter

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Chapter 19

It was hard to keep it down but I pushed through it thinking only of caden and Baylee. And she was right every part of my body was on fire and it felt like it spread through my veins but then through the pain a window opened up and I was driving a car. As I looked into this person perspective I instantly new they were not a wolf. Everything seemed dim. The trees didn't have that bright fresh look instead they looked painfully drained of life. As I peared at my hands I knew I was a man and a cold one at that. Every air that rolled over my hand felt almost painful. I instantly felt grateful that I was a wolf because being human sucks. I pulled my attention back to where I was. Driving down a freeway then we took a left down a dirt road. We drove for what felt like a 10 minutes coming to a huge fence with armed guards standing to the side. As we drove to the gate the guard recognised him and saluted the other guard opening the gate. As we drove in the place was a huge warehouse. There was no name on the building and it was very run down looking. Guards were spread throughout the grounds all armed and in teams of 2. We drove into a huge garage and stopped infront of more guards. He got out leaving the ignition on and sayed hello to each of them. They immediately done a sweep of the car checking the boot and back seat before taking the car and parking it. When the sweep was done the guard got out of the car and nodded and that signaled for someone who was in a glass cabin to open the electric doors. And as We walked through it was obvious the outside did not do the inside justice. It was clean and modern throughout and very very white. We made it into an elevator and traveled to the 3rd floor and straight away grabbed a coffee pot filling up a cup then continuing on through an office space. We walked past Large glass lined offices first then the area opened up into a lab, computers filled the area and testing cubicles were everywhere. People in white coats were working away. The man pulled out a card and buzzed himself through a door. On the other side was darkness with 2 small cubicle of white light in the middle of the room as we walked closer there was computers lined up infront of them and 5 people were working away. They all said there hellos and he walked on to a person sitting outside the first cubicle. "How has he been since? Have we got much from him since I left?" I said this to a small pretty blond with blue eyes. She looked sharpe and kind of intimidating. "Yes we turned him a few times but only when we threatened the girl. We got several samples but do you remember Brian?"
"Yes what happened"
"He dropped a sample. It burned through his suit and set his entire leg sit on fire. He passed out screaming. He might need it amputated because it still feels like it's burning"
"If only the boy new what he was capable of. There would be no chance of us keeping him here. If only he new. But luckily we at least got the samples from him that we need."
"Is he really capable of getting through mountain ash walls and glass? Rings of salt surrounding the place? Electronic pulses? Armed guards who will shoot to kill?"
"Yes he can break any supernatural barrier because he is not supernatural. He is made of hellfire. When he died hell couldn't hold him so it spat him back out to do it's work. Creating hell on earth for those who deserve it. Or that's how the story goes"
"If that's really the case why do we even have him here if he's this dangerous?"
"We have to try. If we can prove hell fire exists then we can prove hell exists. If hell exists heaven exists. If we can prove that we are going to be a very rich group of people" she looked at him and I could tell she wanted to say something but instead looked to her computer. So he walked around the corner and peered into the window and on the bed in just a pair of shorts sat caden. His hands in his head he looked up at the man then down again. He walked past cadens window and next was baylees. She was in her bed her face was red from crying. There was a woman in with her so the man stood in the doorway watching them "Baylee you need to scream or the bad men will hurt caden. It will be your fault. Do you want caden to get hurt because you wouldn't scream?" What a cunt il rip her head off. "I can't it hurts to much" Baylee was hoarse and barely audible. Fuck how much have they made her scream "well it will be your fault if caden gets hurt" tears started to flow down her face and she nodded looking up at her signaling a yes. The man walked into the room and put on ear muffs then closed the door behind him. The girl held a fancy looking recorder out and Baylee screamed into it. I could hear the pain in her scream. It wasn't as loud or earth shattering as normal and I'm guessing it's because she has screamed when she didn't need to. when the scream was over Baylee fell into a ball cradling her throat. I am going to rip there throats out. All of them. The man left the room and turned to the team of people "let her rest. She's no good to us if her voice box burns out. Give her paracetamol and plenty to drink. She might be supernatural but she is still a child and needs at least basic care. And she will need to respect us enough to work with us while she grows so look after her"
"Em sir they want to see each other. They want to know for sure they are really alive"
"Let them send recording to each other or something but for now no physical contact. Apart they are dangerous together they are deadly even if they have no idea of there capability's yet" then nodded and I felt dizzy then the hole that was open slowly closed up and I felt like I woke up from the dead breathing in fresh air filling my lungs to make sure it was really me in my body

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