Book 2 Chapter 10, 11 & 12

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Chapter 10

After a long while listening to what Baylee and caden had gotten up to when we were gone it was bedtime. After putting Baylee to bed and talking with caden for another while myself and drake went to bed and watched a movie

"Ino I probably shouldn't do to much but tomorrow I want to at least go for a walk. After all this is Ireland"
"A walk I can do, but nothing to much. I don't care if you heal overnight you still need your rest my love"
"Ino Ino, but I do want to get Keagen some clothes and I'd love a baby wrap so I can wear her instead of pushing her in a pram. Iv always wanted to do that but Sophie won't let me" I huffed "in that case I will make it my mission to find a good baby shop ok?"
"Yes, and we need to get Baylee a new Pandora charm"
"Well of course that goes without saying, I'm sure she will remind us anyway" I giggled then drake giggled and the sound made the need that I had been pushing away all day burst up through the surface . I was hot and I needed him "my love we can't it's to soon" he clearly smelled my arousel but I was on a mission and I ignored him kissing his mouth slowly, then I climbed on top of him and pulled off my top immediately finding his lips again "seriously love we ca...."
I just kissed him harder and deeper undoing my bra and letting my heavy milk filled sensitive boobs fall then I pushed against him and continued to kiss him down his cheek across his jaw, over his Mark licking and nipping it earning a growl so I pulled of his shirt kissing down his body pushing my boobs tight against him allowing the sensation of his skin on my skin to electrify and build an even more intense feeling of love and passion. Then out of nowhere he comes alive squishing me harder against him using his hand to explore my more then ready body grabbing my bum and massaging it while I was busy using my mouth to suck and nip his nipples and chest, slowly I move down to his abdomen then to his groin finding his more then ready thick lick-able cock, I licked the slit swallowing his pre cum then I used my mouth to to lick and suck him swallowing his hole length and fucking him slowly with my mouth. Starting slow but allowing drake to take over using his hands to hold my head by my hair. I let him guide me in a steady rhythm but soon he was panting so I sucked him harder "fuck it lilly I need you" I smiled around his dick then releasing my hold on him as he pulled me up and kissed me again then took his hand and rubbed my clit making me growl and I started to move needing the friction "love if this hurts you need to tell me to stop" "mmm yesss master" "good girl" then he slowly entered me filling me up and making sweet love to me. Soon I felt him twitch and the sensation made me swell around him and together we came biting down on each other's Mark and crumbling together. When I came back down from my high it was because Keagen was crying so i pulled my satisfied body up and lifted her, then changing her nappy and feeding her. The love I had for her almost helped me stay on my high. My heart was so full of love for both drake and the baby it was just the perfect moment.


6 months later....


Everything had been blissfully good. Sophie and Noah were crawling around trying there best to walk, they were still inseparable and only left each other's side to eat and get changed. Any longer then that and they screamed bloody murder.

Baby Keagen was trying her very best to crawl she was still tiny but that didn't stop her. All she wanted to do was keep up with Sammy and Jackson. And they were so patient with her handing her toys and making her giggle,

then there was lorcan and he was constantly stuck to baylees hip, just as chubby and happy as ever, he loved the attention and learning new words and Baylee loved to teach him how to draw and colour in. She was his best friend and she adored him.

She was an amazing big sister and cousin She loved being around the babies and was always helping us and the nannies out getting nappies and baby wipes and helping us to keep them where they were meant to be. Baylee had also started training with us. Not physically but me and Ben were trying to teach her to direct her scream and use it as a force to kill. She had came across quite a few dead bodies since but it never fazed her. Thankfully there had been no more attacks so all the deaths were natural or accidents but it was still unusual to watch her do what she done best.

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