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I giggled at the last bit "we better ring mum and dad back before they think i killed them both" I laughed at him again "I think that's a good idea babe" we started the call and they answered on the first ring they clearly were pissed but started with "did you kill them? Do I need to fly to Bora Bora to help you hide the bodies" dads face was so serious when he said it both me and drake where crying with laughter "no we are all good here dad"drake said smiling to them "can't believe that old hag is still doing this shit. Iv never been able to stand my mother and after the accident I was glade they moved away but she has done nothing but cause pain to this family and I won't stand for it any longer" mum said and she was clearly upset. Drakes face creased "mum what do you mean" she took a steadying breath "I never had the heart to tell you this because honestly it hurt so much. The night of the accident it was your granny who was drunk. She is the reason your brother is dead. They hid the truth by making the accident look like another person had hit them but it turns out they paid the man who was drunk to say he was the one in the wrong. They failed to pay the money so he came to us and told us the truth. We let him go and I told your grandma to leave the pack and never return. That night she tried to kill herself and convinced both your father and me that the guilt of the accident made her do it. That she was in such a low place in her life that she didn't want to live any longer and she wouldn't if we didn't forgive her so we did in a way but not fully. So we agreed that she still had to leave and she could come back to visit you boys with supervision and we would go to her and supervise visits with them. We shielded you boys from most of it as it was a hard enough time we didn't want to make it worse. So when we hung up with you we rang your bother and told him the truth. We also told him he's officially an uncle and he wants to come visit soon. He said he doesn't be in contact with your grandparents anyway and will block there number so he never needs to again. So please forgive me for not telling you the truth sooner"
"I new there was something funny about this hole situation mum I new it. And don't worry I would shield Noah to so I understand where you are coming from. Please be ok mum and know we both adore you" drake said it and he meant it "exactly mum and dad we love you both and so does Noah. Infact when we get home you both could babysit for the night what would you both say to that?" I said it grinning knowing it would cheer them up then dad said "just 1 night now come on I already miss him I want him for longer then that" we both laughed "how's about we talk about that when we get home dad" drake said. We talked and laughed for another while then hung up the phone. I sat and watched the view outside our window and the sleeping Noah on the monitor. I felt so complete and happy "I love you babe" I said to drake "mmm I love you to" then I slid of his knee and opened his shorts pulling them of as he lifted his backside then I went to work pleasing my husband and spoiling him over and over again until we both climbed into bed watching our baby boy sleep.
Much of the week passed by quickly in a nice routine of relaxing over breakfast, exploring in the day time and finishing the days with walks on the beach. Ella had been a godsend with Noah, she adored him and he adored her. She was a wolf also with a pack close by but she had not found her mate yet so we offered her a nanny job. She leaped at the chance and was excited to start her life with us in America. She would fly home with us when we left on the Tuesday so she babysat the Sunday night so me and drake could go for dinner and take a break. We would in return give her the Monday of so she could spend the day with her family. We decided to go to a local restaurant then talk a moonlight stroll on the beach as I was getting dressed drake came over and started to rub my boobs over my dress instantly putting me and my hormones in the mood then he kissed down my neck over my mark. if my pants would have had an automatic drop button that's the moment it would have happened "mmmm you smell so good my love" he whispered in my ear then his hands started the decent to my bottoms and under my skirt over my pants flicking his fingers over my slit "mmmmmm your wet for me to"
"I'm always wet for you sir" he growled in response and ripped my pants apart. Then he gently slowly pushed me down on the dresser and got on his knees "I didn't like those pants anyway" he said then he started to suck the juices that was dripping out of me earning a breath of surprise from me. Licking and sucking and fingering. every part of me loved what he was doing I moaned in response as the fire in my groin began to build. Soon my insides started to swell and I was about to cum. But drake felt this 2 and stopped what he was doing, pulling out of me and away from my vagina placing my skirt back in place "what.the.fuck.drake" I was not happy. I wanted to physically punch him "now now don't get annoyed it's all part of the plan. Don't replace those pants I want easy access tonight" then he kissed me on the cheek and went back to getting dressed. My jaw was on the floor and my hormones were not impressed but I trusted drake and I pulled myself together finished getting dressed and said my goodbyes to Noah giving him an extra kiss for luck. Drake done the same and it felt strange being away from him. Upsetting even. We really had become a little family over the last few days and I never wanted that to end. The ride to the restaurant was only a few minutes. We were seated straight away and both ordered steak a craving iv started having after drakes granny's steak a few nights before. When it arrived it came with crispy fries and an amazing side salad. We dug in enjoying every bit of it. While I ate drakes hand journeyed up my leg making me freeze "sssssh act normal love it's no fun if we get caught" he said in a sexy voice. Public or not this was hot and I was wet "mmmm it feels like the waitress is going to need to mop Up your cum when we are done here" then he giggled opening my slit with his fingers and inserting himself in me. My gosh that feels good. Then nipping my clit I groaned trying to hold in my desire for more. Then quickly he hammered into me making me grab onto the table cloth and swelling around his fingers he leaned over "cum for me baby cry into my mouth" he kissed me and I cum around him groaning into his mouth. When I looked around there was a few people staring our way but I honestly didn't care. Once I can back down to earth we eat our food talking about anything and everything "I think we are having a girl babe" I said confidently "why do you think that?"
"Well when I touch you I get this strong feeling of love and I have that same feeling when I touch Noah. But when I touch my belly I get a different feeling of love. It's just as powerful but it feels different. So I think it's a girl"
"It sounds like you could be Right, Now that we have Noah I would love a girl to. We really would have the perfect family of that were the case. When can we find out for sure?"
"Honestly I'm not sure it will be a while as im still really early. Iv been thinking and I was wondering if it would be ok to hire a detective to find my mum and bio dad? I would love to learn more so I can put that part of my life behind me?"
"We have a detective that we use when we need one il set a meeting up for when we get Home. I think it would be a good thing so you can get the closure you need "
We talked and ate and enjoyed ourselves then we made our way back to our private beach enjoying the evening air. Drake slowly started to strip me kissing me everywhere his hands went. I followed him and started to undress him to eventually striping him naked. Once we were both completely naked, hot and horny drake placed me down on then hot sticky sand kissing me and for a long time we just lay in each other's arms kissing and feeling each other, i loved the feeling of his dick hard hitting my body as he explored me. Eventually i rolled him over and kissed down his body closing my eyes and capturing every feeling of his body in my mind to keep forever, then slowly I took him into my mouth as he grabbed my hair slightly pulling it everytime I closed my mouth in around him but as he grew inside my mouth drake lifted me up and carried me into the water. The cool water shocked us but soon the sensation turned to pleasure and he lifted me up helping me enter him under the moon we made passionate love in the sea. Then returning to the sand we both came 2 more times. Eventually we were laying naked in each other's arms on the beach and it was honestly the nicest feeling iv ever experienced. But I started to get cold and for the baby's sake and for drakes sake we got dressed and returned to our house where our little bundle of joy was already asleep in his bed. We excused Ella and told her we would see her in 2'days so we could leave and go home. When we were alone we shared a shower then crawled into bed and I peacefully fell asleep in drakes arms once again.
The next day we relaxed in the house then I made lunch and we ordered a pizza for dinner watching a movie and eating junk food "I'm going to miss this place. And the quiet time with you." I said snuggled up to drake "yeah me to, it's going to be hard going back to real life when this reality is so much better"
"I agree but hopefully we can come back here in a few months time?"
"Ofcourse babe at Christmas we should go skiing for a weekend with the whole family in aspen, we own a place there aswell. Nothing dramatic just a cosy country cottage"
"We do? And where else do we own a place?
"Well let me see we have a place in Ireland, it's a beautiful place surrounded by forest but it's cold as hell, then we have a small place in new York and New Orleans, we have a place in England to, I don't like it there. They are all company properties as some of our biggest players in the electric company travel a lot and it's easier to just own a place then rent especially when they could be there for months on end. We can go to any one of them but we have a log book so we know exactly who is we're so if you ever do decide you want to take a trip just let me know and I can arrange dates, but here and the pack house is ours and We can come and go as we please."
"Wow that's cool, As much as I want to stay here forever I am excited for my morning coffee with the ladies and laughing with them. I feel like they are all my sisters a the boys are all my brothers and I'm the annoying little sister who annoys them all" I smiled joking
"My love you couldn't annoy anyone if you tried, your just the essence of kindness, I wanted to ask you something about your wolf"
"Ok go for it"
"Well I was wondering if we could do tests on you as Iv never seen a Luna that has a bigger wolf then there alpha. I don't mind but I would like to know what's going on. If your a special breed or just a special wolf"
"That's no problem wolfy" grinning from ear to ear I love how we communicate

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