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"How many camps and how many prisoners do you have? And what do you do to them"

"I look after them, they are never hurt or injured I swear. And we have done nothing with them for years. They just grow and are trained. When they are fully trained they choose the strongest and take them for the army. They start them young so they are easily manipulated.
The rest are waiting to be auctioned off. We have 224 of them to be auctioned. A mixture of kids and women. I have the address and the key codes to get in and out. But other than that I don't know much other than we are all given a task and only a few know about it. Like the war has nothing to do with me and the camps are nothing to do with those who are incharge of the war"

"Mum, get the address and passwords and make sure it's correct and check to make sure he knows nothing else, number 1 where is your boss and how do we get to them. And they took a girl from us. Her name is Lola. She is 7? Do you know where she is?"

"I know the name but I don't know where she is. I would presume with the other kids at the camps."

I shake my head at him

"Nope. She is special. They text us a picture of her with a ball gag in her mouth and her brother and sister to each side of her with there throat cut"

"They text you?"

"Yes your boss likes to taunt us but we need the girl back. She's important to us and she is priority"

"What is she? If she's special? What is she?"

"A banshee"

His eyes widen and he grinds his teeth.

"Fucking asshole. Right she is probably at his house or base whatever you want to call it. He would have her close to the boy. They have everything they need to open the portal but she's young she might not be strong enough yet so we might still have time. I'll give you everything you need but you need to get her out of there. The boy is a hellhound but he grew up with the human so he has no problem trusting them but that portal will kill them both."

"What do you mean? How do they even open a portal to hell?"

"There are places around the world that have more energy than normal. And there's a special type of stone that you place on that energy and when the hellhound ignites itself and the banshee screams at it then the Portal will open but the longer it stays open the more of it will spill onto the earth. It will start to eat the place if you let it."

"What do they want from there?"

"They want to see if they can release a beast that will basically be sworn to them if they save it from hell. But this thing is more like a dragon. But much worse. It's like a hellhound and Banshee, only completely indestructible. When it's captures eventually die it will be free to roam the earth and there's a reason it's in hell. It will kill everything and anything in its path and destroy the world"

"If they open the portal, how do we close it?"

"That's where it gets tricky. The stone needs to be destroyed but it can only be destroyed by those who opened the portal and if the kids are not strong enough to survive the initial explosion that will happen, then the portal can't be closed and hell will literally eat earth"


Caden punches the wall then rests his head against it.

"My advice is to have people watching that portal until you find the kids. The hellhound will not go easy because he trusts them, he has no idea they have zero regard for his life. I'll give you the address of the base and everything else you need to know, and when it comes to the supernatural army they are ready to fight. don't underestimate them. They have been training since they were children and they have it in their heads that you're all monsters. There are 80 of them and they fight like there are 800 of them. To be accepted into the supernatural war they have tests to complete. They fight 7 men with guns on their own with no armour or guns. If they manage to knock them all out, kill them or tie them up they pass and then they train like that everyday. Don't underestimate them"

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