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Drake loaded everything into the car, buying enough nappies to keep us going a month and as well as wipes and baby formula by the time drake had everything loaded into the car I was exhausted and couldn't even manage to go into a restaurant to eat lunch instead deciding on kfc in the car. When we got home drake carried me to bed as him and the men went to work making the nursery ready for the baby. When I woke I stretched feeling so much better but lonely so I went to look for drake. As I rounded the corner the furniture that we had bought was built, everything was set up and it looked beautiful with a rocking chair in the corner. The walk in wardrobe was full of his tiny clothes there was a super soft fluffy Mat on the ground and so many soft toys surrounding the furniture. For only a few hours the place looked beautiful. Eventually it would need painted but for now it was perfect as I was looking through everything I could feel drakes presence come up behind me, he wrapped me in his arms and sniffed my neck "do you like it baby? Ofcourse we can get a designer in to finish it"
"No it's perfect you done amazing, right now it's everything we need and that's the important thing where we're you I missed you" he nuzzled in closer kissing my neck "I was getting dressed for our hen/stag do then I was going to suggest we go see your father so you can get closer before our new life starts with all thought of him in the past"
"That sounds like a plan babe" I quickly got ready in a nice purple dress and my new favourite brown knee high boots and let my hair fall down my back with a crown plait on the top. I smiled satisfied with myself then I grabbed a long knee length purple coat and we made our way down the stairs. The boys were waiting for us at the bottom and as I made it to the bottom step they done a fancy bow and I giggled at them then they showed me the way to to the prison cellar.

On the way
Matt our head trainer of our pack was to the front of us. Drake was holding on to me Marc the gamma was on my right and Ben the beta walked to my left Iv never felt so safe yet so uneasy in my life. This could go badly really badly but I needed to do this. I needed to end this relationship so I never had to think of it again. Before we walked into the cellar Ben and Marc turned. When we got to the cell I was covered on every end by my pack and it felt so good to have the upper hand for once.

We walked in and the air shot out of my chest he was sitting there smiling, he looked like a psychopath enjoying every minute of being beaten. When I seen him I wanted to hurt him I wanted him to suffer at my hand but first I needed to know why he treated me the way he treated me.

"why have you been such a horrible bastard my hole life"

"hahaha you crying little bitch will you ever grow up. The real world happened! And your slut of a mother happened, not even she wanted you do you not understand that? If it wasn't for her it would have been fine but no she had to be a cheating cow. We were together for a year when she disappeared. She came back a month later crying saying she was going to be outcast because she was stupid enough to run of with a fake mate and get pregnant. She begged me to marry her and forgive her. So I did it then you were born and everytime I seen your face you disgusted me. At the start she would protect you but eventually she learned protecting you meant a beating from me. So she finally gave in and turned herself off to you. She let me beat you and it made us stronger because I hated her less. Eventually her slutty ways came back to haunt us when her fake mate showed up at our door demanding her and you. Well fuck that I told the bastard where to go and the next morning I woke up and she was gone and had left you behind. So instead of hating you I decided I'd take it all out on you and my life got easier because of it. I hate you so much. Don't you get that"
hearing his words I had so many questions for him

"Who is my real father I said through gritted teeth"

"Hahaha do you not get it yet? She pissed of without you they don't want you. They never did hahahahaha no one wants you and soon this pack will be sick of you 2."

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