21 & 22

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Me and drake went to our closet and changed into pyjamas and took the opportunity To talk "is it me or does it feel like she's always been ours?" "Your right, it's like a natural feeling when we are around her isn't it?"
"We are just extremely lucky. But we need to figure out how to make her comfortable. Maybe tomorrow you could try to see what she means about keeping her safe. iv a feeling there is more to that story and it has nothing to do with the fire." Drakes eyes looked dark and protective as he spoke "il try it's going to be difficult since the records were destroyed but il ask one of the careers that's in the pack hospital about her past" soon we were in bed with Baylee on my side as drake cradled me in his arms. Soon she was asleep and curled her body tight up to mine sleeping soundly. It felt so right and soon it didn't take long for us to follow.

Screams filled the room as I opened my eyes Baylee was thrashing around the bed tears running down her face, it had changed from a peaceful slumber to pure terror. Drake was out of Bed in a Second standing at the other side of her. He went to grab her "nooo you can't wake her it's to dangerous" his face was torn he wanted to wrap her in his arms just like meself. But her screams off terror continued and she started to rise of the bed floating in thin air. The shock on drakes face most likely mirrored my own. Then in my head banshee said "you need to touch her, we can't help her until we know what's wrong" I done what she said and instantly I felt my head flip back and I was in her thoughts I seen a man and a woman inject her while she screamed in a corner. "Shut the fuck up or il do more then knock you out. Your more fucking trouble then your worth" the male spat at her in disgust but from the corner another lady who looked just like Baylee without the purple eyes were chained to a wall "baby it's ok, just settle down and go to sleep", baylees body went limp but I watched the lady in the corner "why are you doing this to her, you said you would look after her when I had her. Your torturing her"
"Well I didn't know she was going to be such a fucking handful. Her powers are more then what I bargained for. Your Wolfe blood and the witch blood didn't make a Wolfe witch it made a fucking pain in the ass that can't do fuck all"
"She is 2 she won't know her powers until she is older so please just leave her be. Let her have a childhood don't keep her locked in here like you have done on me"
Then it went dark and next time i was in the woman's arms and she was running for her life and bang bang she fell to her knees "baby baby listen to me I'm not going to make it but you need to run"
"No mommy I don't want to leave without you" her voice was squeaky
"Baby I love you forever, you need to go now. I love you I love you" and she stopped talking and bleed out infront of Baylee but Baylee couldn't move from fear she sat there crying and 3 men approached her and tried to lift her but then she let out this earth shattering scream. Louder then iv ever heard before the men went flying from the force of her voice. Then she collapsed beside her dead mother. When she woke there was a lady with kind eyes looking at her she lifted her up and said "it's ok your safe now" there was a man behind her "everyone of the rouges are dead. What happened here" but Baylee was to young to understand but she relaxed in the kind woman's arms then the vision moved on and she was playing in the orphanage and she had a vision it was of me and drake. The same one she showed me the day we met only this time there was more she could float in her sleep and get premonitions. She could kill with her scream. It showed people coming to adopt her but she ran from them when they touched her as she seen them use her for bad, they would use her like a weapon. She new we would never do that. She new we would love her. The vision went black again until she woke up in agony and everywhere she looked there was flames and smoke she couldn't breathe and the fire was closing in on her it reached her bed and started to burn her skin. Her skin reacted to it and stopped the flames from burning her and there was a clear haze surrounding her the flames or smoke couldn't penetrate it until she was pulled by a screaming boy it was Conor this broke the protective egg she was sitting in and her arm caught in fire and she screamed in pain Conor got her and cara out the window where they were ushered to the hospital then the vision ended and I was back in my room with a floating screaming Baylee, drake was woke from his daze he had tears in his eyes he seen it to then in my head banshee started to talk "you need to grab onto her and imagine her with no more bad memories. Only ones with love. This and you and drake will heal her broken heart and she won't have nightmares like that again" I done what I was told and soon the screaming stopped and baylees body came back to the bed slowly. Soon she was in a deep peaceful sleep.
I looked at drake and he grabbed me taking me on to his knee holding me tight and breathing me in "that poor baby" I whispered taking a deep breath of his scent to calm myself down "we will protect her with our lives love. She's going to be ok because she has us now. She has a family." I smiled at him then setting my gaze on her again happy I could help and excited to be her mother and bring her shopping and spoil her like she deserves to be spoiled. Then drakes alarm went of he quickly turned it of then lifted us of the bed and we showered together just holding each other tenderly kissing each other until we heard "mummy daddy where are you"
"Well doesn't our little lady sound demanding this morning" I laughed at drakes face, I got out and dried myself and wrapped myself in a towel before walking out. "Well good morning princess what seems to be the problem?" I looked down at her with my arms crossed and she instantly mirrored my stance "well you 2 are to nosey, I was asleep and you both woke me up" I muffled my laugh "well that's because it's time to get up." Just then a sniggering drake walked out "well I do hope you forgive me for disturbing your sleep. But I really think it's time we get up for training and breakfast?"
"Ugh I don't want to train daddy I'm already strong enough. Now I need to pee" she pushed past us and we quietly went into the closet before we laughed out loud hard. "Talk about sassy" drake said going to find his training gear. "Ino right, she's going to be a little trouble maker but I still don't want her to lose her sassiness" "agreed" drake said back to me while he got dressed I found jeans a nice top and some flats as I walked out of the room Baylee was in her bag trying to find clothes "do you need help?"
"No im a big girl. You need to go change the babies I can smell them from here" she said scrunching her face up in disgust I laughed out loud this time but went and sorted the babies out, just then Sarah linked me "Luna I'm making the babies bottles can you bring them down when your coming?" "Ofcourse Sarah il see you in a minute" when I was done I lifted the babies and went back into my room where drake had a dress in his hands trying to figure out what goes where and an inpatient Baylee tapping her foot at his feet I giggled at the sight then said "babe do you need some help?"
"No I need to figure this out" then he did and he pulled it on the smiling Baylee who was fully dressed now and just needed a cardigan. Drake helped her in it then took the hairbrush and started to pull it through her hair so gently and agonisingly slow I was now the impatient one. But Baylee was grinning as she sat on drakes knee and that melted my heart a little She was loving the interaction. "That's fine now daddy" she said with a grin then followed with "you done really good well done" he chuckled at her "ok princess let's get you something to eat." I put the babies in the pram and headed towards the elevator, Baylee was in drakes arms telling him how strong she was but that she wanted him to teach her to be stronger but only at a reasonable time of day. As we walked into the kitchen she ran straight over to Evelyn looking up at her "can I have all the cereals again please"
"Ofcourse my dear, go sit at the table and il bring it right over" "thank you so much" I could already see Evelyn was fond of her. Drake pulled me in for a long kiss then said "I love her so much. This right here has been my dream. Kids everywhere with the most perfect edible Luna I could ever ask for. Thank you so much for giving me so much love"
"Thank you to babe. I'm so happy and I feel so blessed. She is a little sassy pants and I honestly can't get enough of her cheek" he laughed "Ino how can someone so small have such an attitude" then he kissed me again and went out to training but not before getting another hug from sassy pants. Me and Sarah started to feed the babies and listen to Baylee chat the arms of emma and Fiona who were equally impressed with her attitude. We laughed and talked then Sarah took the kids for a walk to the playground just outside the house as we ate our breakfast and finally I got to hold my new nephew "what are you going to call him Fiona?" "We can't decide between Lorcan or sam" she was grinning so happy watching me hold him "he is just darling, I love the name lorcan" I beamed back at her "so do I" cara called as she walked towards us getting ready for her and Conors training outside. "Well hello love birds how was your first night?" Fiona called with a cheeky grin and I laughed "huh well it was ok" she looked embarrassed staring at emma "ok well I separated them and yet magically they just ended up in the same room together this morning" I laughed hard "you separated them? Emma come on they are mates and I'm sure they have done it before" then Fiona jumped in "come on emma what if I separated you and Matt what would you do then" she nodded knowing we had won this one so I put my hand up to cara for a high5 and she jumped at it. Then Conor said "come on cara we need to warm up" she rolled her eyes "seriously is it not bad enough I have to go through this training never mind having to 'warm up' with you to" he chuckled and tickled her sides "I promise il make it up to you. But you need training incase something happens you need to be able to protect yourself" all together the 4 ladies said "awwwww so cute" he went bright red and we laughed as he walked out of the room embarrassed with a laughing cara behind him. "This is going to be so much fun" Fiona shouted proud that she was able to help embarrass him. "What size of bed did they share last night?" I asked Emma "a single" she muttered "should we get them a bigger bed?" She looked confused "yeah I agree they need a bigger bed" Fiona give a wicked grin. "Well I want to bring Baylee for some clothes today, do yous want to join?"
"Ohhh me please I want to get lorcan or Sam some things" she excitedly squealed and I gave her sleeping baby back to her "i have some stuff to sort out, let him nap and we can go later. Maybe stop get some burgers on the way"
"Hell yeah I'm coming to then" I laughed at emma she is so hungry all the time. "Perfect but before anything I need like 4 more cups of coffee" just on que Evelyn brought over a hole pot "aw your honestly one of my favourite people" she laughed "enjoy love" she said walking away. Eventually when I had enough food ate and About 4 more cups of coffee I done my duties for the day. Now it was time I take my little girl shopping.

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