Book 2 Chapter 7, 8 & 9

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Chapter 7

"Why would you want to sell your own son?"I had to know why
"You wouldn't understand"
"Try me" I was pissed but also interested
"He's not really mine. I can't have children. So
Me and my husband decided we would try adoption. But it cost to much. So our friend offered to be a surrogate. We used her eggs because I didn't have any viable ones. Her and my husband ended up having a fling" the hate was vibrating of her "he claimed he never touched her but I knew better. Anyway we cut all contact because it was me or her I was not going to be second best. He chose wise and said he would stay with me. Pay for the child but stay away but then that big fat slut died in childbirth. Because she was our surrogate the baby automatically came to me and my husband but everytime I seen his face he disgusted me. Can you imagine loving another woman's child? No you never will have to do that. So no I don't want him. I never did. Iv put up with him for my husband. Now he's gone I hate the sight of him"
"2 of our children are adopted. I know everything about loving another persons child. So don't even try to use that sob story as an excuse, if you had any love for your husband whatsoever you would do what is right for his son. And I think we both know he would be better of with us. And as for payment there won't be any. But considering you won't have any expenses from here forward. That and the fact you would be making sure that your husbands son who he did love very much is looked after. That alone should be payment enough" I said it and I even managed not to throw her a dirty look at the end and instead gauge her hole reaction. I think I hit her where it hurts and surprisingly she looked away then down "how would it work. I sign a paper or what!" I looked at drake. This is one thing I had no clue about. "I have them printed up. a lawyer would be present while there signed. I have them printed up just incase So I can have a lawyer here within the hour and this mess sorted by this evening" she stared at us both and she was calm. So hard to read again "do it. But your telling his uncle" I was in shock complete and utter shock. Drake pulled out his phone and I walked into the room further "where is his uncle?"
"He lives back there" she was pointing at a tiny shed "you mean in the shed?"
"Do you want to tell caden or do you want me to tell him?"
"You can do it."
"What about the part about his mother dying?"
"Listen lady or Luna or whatever. I don't really care what you tell the kid or how you tell him.
I care about his uncle because I'm going to have to listen to him rant at me, as for the boy tell him whatever the fuck he wants"
"Il ask him to come in and get his clothes now then shall I?"
"As I said do whatever you want lady" she was so passive it was infuriating and annoying, drake put his phone away "he will be here in 20 minutes. We can have this sorted in 30mins. Lilly will we go talk to Tate in the meantime?" I smiled at him and walked out. I felt so devastated for this little boy. I walked straight over to him and gave him a big hug then pulled away. "Caden why don't you go pack your bags. It looks like your coming home with us so pack everything you will need."
"I think she forgets i have full wolf hearing" his eyes were watering and I hugged him again "listen to me caden. Once those papers are signed you are our responsibility. But your also our family. I understand you loved your father very much but legally we will be your parents and we plan on treating you and loving you like a son. So please don't let this get you down. You have a hole new big adventure that's about to happen and a huge big family waiting for you at your new home. All of whom are so excited to meet you" he smiled and then hugged me again "thank you so much" then drake pulled him into a hug "I'm so sorry you had to hear that. No one should ever be treated with such disregard and I'm so sorry you have been but lilly is right. Go pack your things and we will talk later about this properly at the hotel after the papers are signed ok" he had tears in his eyes when he pulled out of drakes hug but he nodded and composed himself and walked into his house, I took
Baylees hand and walked towards tates shed and we knocked the door. Out came a very overweight large man in his 40s yawning then when he seen us he just didn't say a word he looked straight at Baylee who was grinning up to him "that's remarkable. He got every detail of her face right" I smiled "they are both remarkable" I smiled and drake put his hand out and Tate took it gladly. "I'm guessing you are alpha drake and Luna lilly?"
"You guessed right. How are you keeping?"
"I was up working most of the night so I'm tired but I'm really happy to meet you all"
"Us to. We have something we want to talk to you about is there anywhere we can go to sit?"
"Eh ofcourse" and he passed us some folding deck chairs that had seen better days but I gladly took it my feet we're starting to hurt. When we had all sat down we talked quietly as Baylee played with aspen in the garden "we are waiting on a lawyer to come. Cadens mother is ok with us taking caden to America to live. So she is going to sign some guardianship papers so he can come get a great education, plenty of friends, siblings and ofcourse Baylee. I understand this might be hard for you but cadens mum thought it best that we tell you and not her" the sadness crossed his face and started to radiate of him "how much are you paying her?" This time I took control of the conversation "what the fuck is with this family trying to sell there kid? He is a child not an item for sale. And if you really think that he actually really is better off with us" his eyes shot up in shock "no I'm sorry I did not mean to offend you. I knew she was going to ask and I was rather hoping you both done everything in your power to take him away from this place and her. My brother was stuck here because of her. I have never had a mate so I don't know what it's like but what she put that boy through was a disgrace and I can't imagine loving anyone who would treat my son that way. So I really am sorry to have offended you I just really want what's best for caden and I don't know you both personally but I know your reputation and it's always been good. Can I ask. Am I aloud to keep Intouch with him? Come visit maybe?"
My face softened as he spoke "ofcourse you can. Your welcome in our home any time. If you want you can come back with us for a holiday? We would love to stay longer but we have a lot going on at home so if you wanted to join us until caden is settled in your welcome to" he smiled at me "il be honest Luna. I have been living in a shed since my brother died so I can watch over caden because someone had to. So for now il refuse and I can get a house sorted here. Or maybe even move away from here now. But I will definitely take up your offer another time" a car pulled up "thank you for being so understanding Tate me and lilly really appreciate it. Will you come in with us to sign the papers you can stand as a witness. We don't really need one but it's always better to be safe then sorry"
"Ofcourse let's get this done"

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