Chapter One

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*Jungeun's POV*

Another day, another boring day at work, and another headache. But, considering the lives of some people around me, I can only say that I'm lucky to even have a job at my age, which is twenty-three, even if it's an ordinary one and doesn't pay very well. But, as long as it's enough for living expenses and an occasional shopping spree, I'm fine with it.

Work is never easy. I'm not exactly someone who is cut out for office jobs, so sitting here for hours and staring at a barely functioning computer is not exactly enjoyable. The only things that get me through the day are morning coffee and lunch breaks.

And, of course, the fact that I will be able to go to the library the moment work ends.

Some people might think that I'm crazy, but I legitimately can not think of a better way to relax after an emotionally and physically draining day at work than a good book in a quiet library. In fact, I've been like this ever since I was a kid. I never enjoyed reading things that we were given as tasks at school, but I would sure as hell enjoy random books that were given to me by my parents and grandparents. At the age of twenty-three, I am suspecting that my love for books has also turned into some form of a coping mechanism. I can't really say I mind it, though.

My train of thought was broken by the voice of my supervisor, Im Nayeon:

"Look I know this job is boring, but you have some nerve dozing off right in front of me".

I looked up to be met by the eyes of the bunny-like woman. Nayeon is not much older than me, but she still feels like some kind of a mother figure. Actually, not a mother figure... more like a cool aunt. The look in her eyes is almost always playful, and she often wears her famous smile, which could melt a million hearts at once.

"I'm sorry, Nayeon-unnie, I just didn't have enough sleep last night. I'm still awake only because I had another cup of coffee during lunch"- I replied as I tried to focus on my job once again.

"You say this every day. Honestly, I don't know which one is more concerning: the fact that you're slacking off, or the fact that you have a serious caffeine addiction"- she asked as her expression switched from playful to slightly concerned.

"Which one is more harmful?"- I said and looked up at her with a little smirk, which made her chuckle.

"My god, you're helpless. In any case, I'll let you off easily since the day is almost over anyway. We'll be free in ten minutes, so you should probably start getting ready to take off and run to whatever library you visit every day"- Nayeon said and turned around, seemingly going to grab her coat.

"Yes ma'am"- I replied and got up to go to the bathroom in order to change into casual clothes.

In ten minutes, the workday was officially over, so I grabbed my things and walked outside, finally being able to take a breath of fresh air. The best thing about an office job might just be the feeling after you leave the building, not dressed like every other office worker, but in actual comfortable clothes.

I stood for a split second and then proceeded to walk towards the library. The initial reason behind me picking this job was the fact that it was close to a library that works 24/7, which meant that I could visit it every evening after work. I would be lying if I said that it wasn't worth it. As I was in my thoughts, I didn't even notice how quickly I arrived at the place that I treat like some kind of sanctuary. So, I opened the door and walked in.

"Oh, Jungeun, you're a little early today"- I was immediately greeted by Jo Haseul, who has a part-time job here and manages to overlap her working hours with mine. At this point, because I'm such a frequent visitor, we have become relatively close. So much so that she even knows my work schedule.

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