Chapter Twenty Three

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*Jungeun's POV*

That evening coincided with the rare occasion of a lot of people leaving work at the same time: me, Sooyoung, Heejin, Hyunjin, Hyejoo, and Nayeon happened to be walking out at the same time. 

"No, but seriously, Nayeon unnie would make a great dictator"- Hyunjin said as the rest of us laughed. 

"I think that she already is one"- Hyejoo followed and Nayeon simply groaned. 

"That is literally not true. I can barely manage my girlfriend when I'm at home, y'all expect me to be able to rule a whole country? you're just easy to scare, that's all"- she replied as she slightly whined.

"Wait a damn minute"- Heejin said with her usual deep voice and wide-open eyes- "did you just say, girlfriend?"- I only now realized that Nayeon had never mentioned Jeongyeon to the others before. 

"Yeah, kids. Don't tell me that you thought that I was straight before this please, it will hurt my heart"- she said as she jokingly put her hand on her chest. 

"Oh my god, I fucking knew it. Of course, you're not straight"- Sooyoung exclaimed- "I told you, didn't I? gaydar never lies"- she said as she slightly punched Hyejoo. 

"I never argued about it, leave me alone"- Hyejoo whined as she punched Sooyoung back.

"Nayeon unnie let us meet your girlfriend please"- Hyunjin said as she looked at Nayeon with her usual puppy eyes. 

"Jungeun ran into her accidentally, you guys might too. Or I could just ask for her to pick me up once and you can all wait to meet her".

"Hold on, Jungeun, you know her?"- Sooyoung said to me, clearly a little shocked.

"Yeah, I've met her a couple of times, I've even been to their apartment"- I answered, boasting the fact that I knew before Jeongyeon before the rest of them did- "Jeongyeon-unnie is very nice".

"What the fuck were you doing at their apartment? are you a stalker?"- Hyejoo said as the rest of them chuckled. 

"No, obviously not, but it's a really long story and it's not even relevant anymore. To cut it short me and Jinsol broke up and I was crying on a train when Jeongyeon unnie ran into me and took me to their house for dinner, the tteokkbokki was really nice"- I replied as quickly as possible not to dwell on the story for too long. 

"Oh, so that's where you were when you left Jinsol in that park"- Sooyoung said- "I always wondered about where you went". 

"Damn, didn't know that Jinsol unnie was capable of breaking a heart"- Hyejoo said. 

"Yah! I wouldn't do it again!"- I suddenly heard a voice coming from behind, which made us all turn around and I saw Jung Jinsol, in all of her glory, standing right in front of us. 

"What are you doing here?"- I said as I walked to her and hugged her tightly- "you didn't tell me you'd be off work early today". 

"I wanted it to be a surprise, sorry love"- she said as she quickly kissed my head. 

"Well, everyone, this is Jung Jinsol, my girlfriend, but some of you already know her"- I said as I looked at Sooyoung and Hyejoo. 

"Son Hyejoo, is that the greeting you should give me after not seeing me for so long?"-  Jinsol said as she opened her arms. 

"Yeah, as much as I'm glad to be meeting you again, I'm really not a fan of hugs, you know that"- Hyejoo said as she shook Jinsol's hand. 

"Ah, you haven't changed even for a bit, have you?"- Jinsol said as she slightly flicked the younger girl and then looked at everyone else- "anyway, hi, I'm Jinsol, you probably figured it out". 

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