Chapter Eight

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*Jinsol's POV*

I woke up and immediately checked my phone for notifications. I saw a bunch of texts from my mother, who was probably still angry about yesterday, but I really didn't care. There was also one text from Sooyoung: 

HS: I don't care about the reason behind it, next time, if you turn off your phone without warning me, I'll break into your apartment and whoop your dumb ass. 

I'd normally reply back to a message like this with another snarky comment, but I couldn't help but agree with the fact that this time, she had a serious point and a lot of reasons to be mad at me. So, I decided to comply: 

JJ: Ah, let me off your hook already. I apologized, didn't I? I really wasn't thinking straight.

HS: Nothing about you is straight, Jinsol, so that doesn't really surprise me. But, you do realize that dealing with Jungeun is going to be way more difficult than dealing with me, right? I'm sure she's pissed, and she has every right to do so.

JJ: You think I don't know that? she still hasn't answered my text, but she might not be awake yet. In any case, I'll make it up to her. Be sure of that.

HS: Ah, Miss Jung Jinsol is whipped, isn't she? lol. Anyway, I have to get ready for work, good luck with your pRiNcEsS. 

JJ: Oh, fuck you, Ha Sooyoung. 

I sent this last text and went to the bathroom in order to wash up. No matter what I did, the thought of Jungeun being angry at me wouldn't leave my mind. I couldn't bear thinking about it, as it was the last thing I wanted or needed right now. 

The truth is that I like Jungeun a lot. I haven't known her for a long time, but it feels as if we met years ago and already know every last bit about each other. I have had crushes on plenty of people before, and have gotten the chance to get very close to them multiple times as well. But, it never worked out, it just never felt right. With Jungeun, everything was different. From the moment I laid my eyes on her, I felt like I had to meet her again somehow. That's what pushed me towards talking to her in the first place: I'm generally not that talkative with strangers, but looking at her gave me some kind of confidence. Luckily, she was holding a book that I knew very well, so I had something to talk to her about. That whole conversation lasted for not more than five minutes, but I had already begun to feel some kind of connection between us. So, running into her at the library once again brought me more joy than anything else could. I was determined to do everything to get closer to her: I even asked her for her number and texted her myself. And then, as if the universe wanted us to meet again, she happened to be the coworker Sooyoung was meeting up with at the mall. I could have easily said no to her, I could have avoided going there in the first place, but I still ended up at the mall, standing dumbfounded and staring at Jungeun, realizing that everything was pointing towards her, pushing me to take even more steps forward. 

But, I couldn't help but think that, maybe, I overstepped by taking her to my apartment and drinking with her and then... ending up in the same bed with her. I had never done that before with anyone- as I said, I had plenty of chances to get that close to someone, but I always ended up saying no to them. Yet with her, it felt like all of this was necessary, that I would be a complete and utter idiot if I said no to such an offer. Kim Jungeun was offering me her heart- only a fool would say no to that. So, knowing that I caused her to worry sent shivers down my spine. What if this one situation would cause her to get further away from me? what if this makes her reconsider and she'll decide to not continue whatever we have? she'd have every right to do so and I wouldn't be able to stop her. This one thought alone was enough to send my brain into a state of anxiety. 

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