Chapter Twenty Seven

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Jinsol's arrival was, as expected, widely celebrated by Jiwoo, Sooyoung, and especially Jungeun. who had been together at Sooyoung's apartment for the entirety of Jinsol's time over at her parent's house. They had apparently been discussing every single possible outcome of how things could've gone down between them, but Jinsol still managed to surprise them when she told the story.

"You're trying to tell me that you said all those things to them?"- Sooyoung said, her face clearly indicating that she was in complete disbelief.

"Yeah, I did, you can ask my brother if you want to, he will confirm. I guess I just got extremely angry, that's all. I couldn't bear her saying that you were a bad influence on me, or that my relationship with Jungeun is nonsense. Even I have my limits sometimes, I can't deal with every shitty thing she says to me. Besides, I had nothing more to lose. There was no reason for me to hold back"- Jinsol replied, which caused Jiwoo to suddenly squeal:

"You're so cool, Jung Jinsol!"- she said as she hugged Jinsol out of the blue- "thank god you did that".

"There's nothing cool about me not letting my homophobic parents ruin my loving relationship with my girlfriend"- Jinsol said as she grabbed Jungeun's hand and looked at her, realizing that Jungeun hadn't been as talkative as she usually would be around them. She decided not to ask anything, since she assumed that Jungeun was simply tired from everything that had happened throughout the week, but she was still slightly concerned about whether or not she was alright. She made a mental note to check on her later as well.

"Guys, seriously, this is a matter for celebration!"- Sooyoung suddenly said as she put her arm around Jiwoo, who was already thrown off by Jinsol after trying desperately to cling on for as long as possible.

"Hell yeah! you read my mind, my love"- Jiwoo said as she was not hugging Sooyoung's waist- "how about we call the girls and celebrate by meeting up again? maybe this time we can all get drunk. No sober people allowed".

"I'd love to see the gang together again today, actually. I've never been in a mood this good throughout the last like... over twenty years. Today I actually feel free for the first time in forever. I need to celebrate"- Jinsol agreed and the three of them now looked over at Jungeun, probably waiting for her response.

"I'll go whenever you guys want me to"- she replied with her usual tiny smile and the girls took it as a yet, so Sooyoung immediately texted the group chat.

Twelve gay people

Ha Sooyoung: Okay my sapphic friends, we have an occasion that should be celebrated, who wants to go grab drinks? it's a Saturday, too, work isn't an excuse.

Jeon Heejin: It's not like having work kept you away from getting wasted the last time,,, lol

Ha Sooyoung: Fuck you, just tell me if you and your furry ass girlfriend are coming.

Kim Hyunjin: Woah, watch your mouth, Ha Sooyoung. But, sure, me and Heejin will come along, just give us the addy.

Im Yeojin: Damn y'all got loud out of nowhere. I'm down to go out, though.

Choi Yerim: I go where Yeojin goes, so I'm down too : )

Vivi Wong: I'm down but I don't know if my girlfriend who is kind of like an old woman sometimes will be coming too. In any case, I'll try to persuade her. Add us to the list.

Kim Jiwoo: Damn, Vivi unnie is a little scary. What does she mean by persuading?

Son Hyejoo: I really don't think that we should know. It feels like it's something a little too private for my liking. But, anyway, I'll come along if Chaewon does too.

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