Chapter Nineteen

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*Jinsol's POV*

Even though I was still anxious, with Jungeun beside me, I somehow managed to fall asleep while we were on our way. I don't usually dream but, this time, I saw a dream as ViViD (A/N: I have to stop with this joke someday) as it could be: It began with me walking into my childhood home, looking at the pictures on the walls when suddenly I saw my parents at the end of the hallway, looking at me with the most judgmental faces I have ever seen in my life, after which my mother began speaking: 

"I found out about your little girlfriend, you can't see her anymore".  

I wanted to scream and yell, tell them that they didn't have the right to take me away from my girlfriend, say that I was a grown adult and had the ability to make my own life choices, but I realized that I had completely lost my voice. So, I had to watch as they dragged me further and further into the house. 

The nightmare was suddenly cut short by a familiar voice calling my name.

"Jinsol"- the voice said once as I felt myself slowly waking up. 

"Jinsol"- the voice repeated itself and, this time, I felt a gentle nudge on my shoulder. I hazily opened my eyes and once the blur had cleared, I realized that I was looking at Jungeun.

"Baby, it's time for you to wake up, we've already arrived"- she said to me with a soft smile. 

"Hmmm... already?"- I said as I stretched my arms out. 

"Oh, for fuck's sakes, I'm not going to sit on the train until miss Jung Jinsol wakes up from her slumber and gets her ass out of here"- Sooyoung suddenly said with her usual passive-aggressive tone. 

"Ah, you're so rude, I'm getting up"- I said, already wide awake because of Sooyoung. A few minutes later, we were already walking out of the station and Jiwoo was as excited as a baby. 

"I've missed this place so much!"- she squealed and held onto Jungeun- "it hasn't been that long, but I feel like I haven't been here for years". 

"Yeah, I know, it feels nostalgic"- Jungeun agreed as she held on to Jiwoo as well.

"Well, are your houses far from here?"- Sooyoung asked. 

"Nope, that's actually the best thing about where our homes are situated: they're really close to the station. It's a short walk"- Jiwoo replied-" let's get going quickly! come on"- she said as she grabbed Sooyoung's hand and dragged her along. 

"God, she's so high on energy"- Jungeun said as she held out her hand-"well, should we go?". 

I looked at her hand for a minute, then into her eyes again, took her hand in mine, and then said: "Yeah, let's go. Lead me, princess".

The walk to their houses really didn't turn out to be too long: It was probably only around fifteen minutes and because it was already pretty late and was therefore slightly cold, we didn't get tired at all.

As I have already made clear numerous times in the past, committing to relationships was never really my cup of tea. But, Kim Jungeun must have put me under some kind of spell, because I was now standing in front of her childhood home where she had spent most of her life, about to meet her parents. Of course, I was anxious, especially after I had that stupid dream while we were on the train. But, I tried my best to stay calm and remember Jungeun's promise: that her parents would love me and be delighted to meet me. So, I decided that it was time for me to finally calm down and put my trust in her. After all, Jungeun wouldn't bring me to meet them if she knew that it would put me in an unpleasant situation. 

"Alright, we're going to head over to my house now. Jungeun, be sure to come over and meet my parents tomorrow, okay? The same goes for you, Jinsol"- Jiwoo said to us as she and Sooyoung were about to walk to Jiwoo's house, which was almost next to Jungeun's. 

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