Chapter Eleven

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A few days later, I told Jiwoo about how I was feeling with Jinsol. I felt like she could tell me something useful since her relationship was going so well and I also just felt like I had to tell her since I usually tell her everything.

"Hmm... well, I think you should talk to her. I know that you're scared that she might not give you the answer that you're hoping for, but leaving this situation without discussing it even once will eventually lead to something way worse"- she said to me as we were once again having dinner together after work on  Friday evening, this time talking about, surprisingly, my love life. 

"I know, that's what my brain's been telling me and that's what Nayeon said to me as well. I'm just really anxious about it all, you know? I don't want to lose her completely, what if this conversation causes that to happen?"- I replied. 

"Then that means that everything wasn't meant to be after all. Not every attraction you feel towards someone has to bloom into something serious. You need to understand that. Anyway, when are you going to talk to her?"- Jiwoo said as she sipped on the drink that was seated in front of her. 

"I don't know, hopefully, the next time I see her. If I don't hesitate, that is". 

"And when will that said next time be?".

"I'm not sure yet-" my sentence was cut short by my phone beginning to ring. As if she were in my head, the person who was calling was no one else but Jinsol herself. 

"Oh my god, it's her"- I said and looked at Jiwoo. 

"Well, then, pick up, what are you looking at me for?"- she spoke back, and I picked up without saying anything else. 

"Hey, Jinsol"

"Jungeun! Hi... I'm so glad to hear your voice, it's been a really long day for me. This is refreshing"- Jinsol immediately began speaking. 

"Oh? did you have a hard day at work again?". 

"You know how it is over here. It's more surprising if I don't have a hard day at this point"- she replied and I heard how she flopped down on her sofa- "what are you up to?"

"Well, me and Jiwoo just had dinner and then we're going to watch some TV and then go to bed. Nothing unusual"- I replied and looked at Jiwoo, who was paying a lot of attention to my every word, clearly expecting me to bring up the subject of meeting Jinsol soon. 

"Well, I wasn't expecting anything else on a Friday evening. But, hey, it's finally the weekend... would you like to, maybe, go out?"- she suddenly asked. 

"Sure thing, we've been meaning to for a while, haven't we? so, where should we go?"- I said and noticed Jiwoo's expression switching to a pleased one. 

"There's this one place that I've been wanting to visit for a while. If you'll trust me again, I'll take you there, but I don't want to reveal the location. What do you say? are you down for another blind voyage with me?". 

"Well, the last one wasn't bad. If you promise me that there won't be anything too extreme, I'm down for anything". 

"Please, I'd never go for something too extreme myself either. So, I promise". 

"Okay then. What about the time?".

"Hmm... how about I come and pick you up at 4 PM?"- she asked and I could feel that she was smiling. 

"Sure thing. Then, it's all set, let me know if there's a change of plans"- I replied. 

"Of course, I wouldn't forget that. Then, see you tomorrow, Jungeun. Bye-bye". 

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