Chapter Twenty Four

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As unexpected as it might be, twelve people can, apparently, get along very well with each other. After we finished our spontaneous dinner, we decided to head back to our homes, especially since some girls (mostly Sooyoung) got drunk and needed to be put into bed immediately. However, we didn't leave without exchanging numbers. Next morning, I woke up to a text from a newly made group chat:
Twelve gay people

Im Yeojin: Good morning besties I hope you all slept well. Just wanted to let y'all know that I had a lot of fun lets do this again someday💅🏻

Vivi Wong: I agree, we should totally get together again, I haven't had this much fun in a while :)

I smiled at the texts, wondering about how we managed to form such great connections between one another in just a few hours.

Kim Jungeun: Good morning:) yesterday was very fun, let's repeat it whenever you all have time<3 Does anyone have a hangover? By anyone I mean Ha Sooyoung...

Ha Sooyoung: Fuck off... god, and I have to go to work with this headache too? Oh no

Son Hyejoo: Maybe don't drink so much before work next time, Sooyoung unnie :)

Jung Jinsol: Several points have been made... and I can't help but agree with Hyejoo:]

Kim Jiwoo: Sooyoungie you know I love you but, seriously, what were you thinking when you drank your ass of on a Monday?

Jo Haseul: Ha Sooyoung's thought process is questionable...

Choi Yerim: She's supposed to be the second oldest after Vivi unnie, but I really don't see it

Park Chaewon: To be honest, I kinda didn't expect her to be the extremely responsible unnie. That one goes to Haseul unnie.

Jeon Heejin: Oh, don't be fooled by her age, she's actually just a child in a grown woman's body :)

Kim Hyunjin: Yeah, you guys should see her when she comes to work whining. Literally ten year old behavior.

Ha Sooyoung: Did y'all create this group chat just to slander me?

Jung Jinsol: Probably not, but I'm somehow loving every minute of Ha Sooyoung slander, I'd love to continue<3

Kim Jungeun: Agreed.

Ha Sooyoung: Kim Jungeun, you're literally going to be late for work if you don't get your ass up right now, the same goes for the rest of you too, probably. Also, getting drunk on a Monday is not as bad as it sounds, it's just that BORING people will never dare to do it. Sincerely, fuck you all<3

Jeon Heejin: See? I told you, a child in a grown woman's body :)

Im Yeojin: Didn't expect anything else from her.

Park Chaewon: Me neither, but, seriously, I gotta get to work and so do you. Let's text later :>

Son Hyejoo: Jungeun unnie, please bring along the coat I left at the restaurant yesterday, I was told you brought it home with you.

Kim Jungeun: I will, don't worry.

I said this and got up to go to the bathroom.

"Morning, Jiwoo!"- I called out to my best friend who was already in the bathroom.

"Morning, Jungeunnie"- she replied, sounding just as cheerful as me. I went into the bathroom and washed up, then headed over to my room to quickly get dressed. Sooyoung was right about one thing: we were totally running late. Me and Jiwoo didn't get to talk much before we were on the bus, since we were practically speeding like our lives depended on it. I even considered skipping breakfast, but Jiwoo was deadpanned on still buying it, because, as she said: "proper nutrition is, sometimes, more important than work".

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