Chapter Six

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Throughout my whole existence, I always failed to understand why writers described kissing as something magical in their books. I had kissed people before, people that I was really attracted to, but not once did it feel even remotely as magical as the descriptions in books were. So, I always just assumed that writers intentionally overdramatized those scenes just to make them more appealing to the reader.

That was all until I met Jung Jinsol.

Kissing Jinsol made me realize what the magic that they described was all about. Her lips fit perfectly against mine as if they were meant for only me. It felt like I had been missing something for my whole life and this one kiss made me feel fulfilled.

One kiss soon turned into another, and that then lead to a series of kisses, after which things got more heated. I realized very well that neither me nor her would ever dare to move so quickly if we were sober. But, as I was taking off my shirt, I realized that neither of us really cared. It is said that drunk words are sober thoughts, but I would like to say that drunk actions are sober thoughts as well. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't imagine what was happening with Jinsol. Still, it was unusual for me to be in someone's bed after such a short time of knowing them. It was reckless, stupid and everything that my mother had thoroughly asked me not to do when I was leaving for Seoul. But, then again, my mother never listens to what I say, so I might as well not listen to her for once. I didn't let my thoughts stop me from falling deeper into Jinsol's charm, and, of course, her kisses.

The next morning was certainly something I had not experienced in a very long time. Waking up in someone else's arms was not usual, but I can't say that it didn't feel nice. I looked at Jinsol's face and realized that she was still asleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful that it almost made me squeal. I didn't want to get up since it would probably wake her up, so I decided to wait.

But, I'm not Kim Jungeun if I don't ruin a sweet moment with anxiety, am I?

I started thinking about how both of us were drunk and, clearly, not thinking straight. Drunk actions are sober thoughts, just like I said, but, still, that doesn't mean that she won't wake up and say that it was all a mistake, that we're moving too fast and that she, maybe, doesn't want to see me anymore. Who knows? the reaction could be anything and each and every variation would be completely justified. I could feel my heartbeat getting quicker but, this time, not from happiness, but from the sheer worry of what Jinsol waking up could potentially bring. What if the perfect world that was built in my head after yesterday was about to crumble?

But, just as I was thinking this, just as I was in the middle of trying to fight off my thoughts, I heard a soft voice speaking:

"Good morning, princess. Did you sleep well?".

I looked up, being greeted once again by her heart-throbbing eyes and the sweetest smile I had ever seen. And, at this very moment, every part of my anxiety completely faded away.

"Good morning to you too, I slept very well. I might just say that I haven't slept this well in more than a year. What about you?"- I replied and realized that she tightened her arms around me, practically enveloping me into a hug.

"Same goes for me"- she was cut off by a slight yawn- "hmm, who knows, maybe all those sleepless nights happened so that this could happen".

"Oh? could it be that you believe in fate?"- I said teasingly.

"To be perfectly honest, I don't know for sure. I like to say that nothing is decided in advance, but some things make me think that I may not be entirely correct"- she said in a rather thoughtful tone- "okay, it's a little too early for us to be having existential conversations. Speaking of which, what time is it?"

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