Chapter Ten

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The next day was the same as usual: waking up, texting Jinsol, yelling at Jiwoo to wake up, eating, rushing to work, and finally arriving. 

The workday itself, however, did not turn out to be a usual one, since we had a lot more work than we usually do. So much so that, the moment I walked into the office, I saw Sooyoung already seated and focused on her computer, while Hyejoo was speaking to Nayeon about something. When Nayeon saw me, she simply gestured me to get to my table, which I, of course, immediately did. We were all over our work before lunch break finally came and we were able to breathe freely, at least for a short while, so we immediately rushed to our usual cafe. 

Me, Sooyoung, Hyejoo, Hyunjin, and Heejin became a pretty constant group ever since we came to the cafe for the first time. Spending time together was fun and way more refreshing than eating lunch alone. Also, I felt like we were getting closer with time, and that made me pretty happy as well since I always wanted to have a bunch of friends from work. So far, I had only gotten close to Sooyoung, but everything was clearly changing. We were sitting at the cafe when the already familiar waitress came to our table once again: 

"Good afternoon, office workers, what should I get for you?"- the waitress, whose name was Chaewon, spoke in her tiny voice. 

"Good afternoon to you too, Chaewon. How about the usual?"- Sooyoung answered and looked at the rest of us, after which we all nodded in agreement. 

"Alright then, I'll be back with everything in a few minutes"- she said and went to the counter. I couldn't help but notice that Hyejoo was staring at her. So, I decided to point it out: 

"Hey, Son Hyejoo, stop staring or you'll burn her back out with that scary stare of yours"- when I said this, she immediately averted her eyes towards me. 

"I'm not staring". 

"Yeah, right, of course, you're not"- Hyunjin backed me up and the rest of us simply chuckled. 

"Ah, seriously, I don't understand why you guys are obsessed with the idea of something happening between me and her"- Hyejoo said with a slightly irritated tone- "we simply met by complete accident and are now somewhat acquainted, but that doesn't mean that we're going to date, does it?"

"Jeez, calm down, kid"- Sooyoung said as she playfully nudged Hyejoo-" we're just kidding around. Even if you wanted to date her, though, then it would be completely fine. She's pretty cute and seems like someone who would suit you well".

"By the way"- Heejin suddenly butted in "-you never told us about what happened with the shirt she soaked in coffee by accident". 

"Oh, yeah, I wanted to ask together but everything was too hectic and I forgot"- I said. 

"Well, nothing really happened... I was hoping that she would forget to contact me and save me from an awkward situation, which did not happen. She called me the same evening and asked about the shirt, which somehow did not wash out properly. She said that she felt bad about it, so she would need my home address so she could send a new one. I tried my best to make her reconsider but, honestly, she's like a rock: there's no way to move her if she makes a decision. So, much to my hesitation, I was actually forced to give her my address. The very next day, a package was delivered to my doorstep, and it was a white shirt. I'm wearing it right now, actually"- she said and I moved my eyes onto her shirt. 

"What's the brand?"- Hyunjin suddenly asked. 

"Ralph Lauren"- we heard a small voice coming from behind us, so we turned around to see Chaewon standing with our order in her hands. She said this and then began to put the plates and cups on the table. When she was done, she stopped and spoke once again: 

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