Chapter Seven

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After such an eventful weekend, going back to work as if everything was normal was a little weird. Well, it was mostly normal, except for the fact that the first thing that I saw when I woke up was a text from Jinsol. 

JJ: Good morning, sunshine<3 

I glanced at the text and felt my lips curling into a smile. We had been texting and calling practically non-stop ever since I came back home on Sunday. The only period of time when we stopped was when we were both asleep. 

KJ: Good morning to you, too :) aren't you supposed to be going to work? don't be late just so you can text me!

JJ: Don't worry about that, I'm already on the bus. I can multitask, you know? and, you're no better either. You've got work in, like, an hour. 

KJ: I'm aware, that's why I'm awake. But, I can't just ignore your texts, can I? 

JJ: Ah,,, so clingy! 

KJ: Oh? okay, then I'll be ignoring you from now on. 

JJ: Oh, fine, I was just joking. 

JJ: Jungeun?

JJ: Jungeunnnnn

JJ: Jungeun reply to me >:(


KJ: You do this and then dare to say that I'm the clingy one, Jung Jinsol?

JJ: Ah! she's back! hey beautiful, I've missed you.

KJ: Please,  it's been three minutes. 

JJ: I know, but it felt like an eternity. But, seriously, stop texting me and get ready for work. I don't want you getting scolded by your supervisor because you were texting me. 

KJ: Ugh, fine, I'll go. But, promise to text me when you're free, okay?

JJ: I promise. The same goes for you, too. Good luck at work, Jungie :) 

KJ: Good luck to you too, Jinsol<3

...did she call me Jungie?

I'm pretty sure that I hadn't heard that nickname ever since elementary school. But, Jung Jinsol, in her true unpredictable fashion, reminded me of its existence. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot and realized that Jinsol made me smile more in a matter of a day than anyone else could in the span of a year. Well, damn, I'm whipped, aren't I? 

I somehow managed to force myself out of thinking about Jinsol and began to get ready, only to realize that Jiwoo was in the same situation, except for the fact that instead of texting, she was calling Sooyoung. She was also simultaneously cooking, but the process was still slowed down. So, I didn't have any other choice but to intervene and, much to their disappointment, force the call to come to an end. At last, by some kind of miracle, we managed to get to the bus on time and I wasn't late for work. I walked into the office to see Nayeon and a dark-haired girl that I had never met before standing next to her. 

"Good morning, Nayeon-unnie"- I said as I walked up to her.

"Morning, Jungeun. I'm sure you're curious about who this is, so let me introduce you: her name is Son Hyejoo and she is a new member of the staff"- Nayeon replied. 

"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you, Hyejoo, I'm Kim Jungeun. Don't be shy to come to me if you need help with anything"- I said to the girl who was, actually, surprisingly tall. 

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too"- she said in an honest, but serious and respectful tone. 

"Well, now that we're done with the introductions, you two should get to work. Jungeun, she'll be taking the empty seat that's beside you"- Nayeon switched to her ordering tone, so I had no other choice but to signal Hyejoo to follow me and go to my seat. 

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