Chapter Twenty Two

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*Jungeun's POV*

The weekend was fun, maybe one of the best weekends I've had for the last few months. But, unfortunately, none of that mattered when we were all back in Seoul and it was a Monday morning with me walking into the office half asleep, looking even more worn out in the morning than I usually would. 

"Well, you don't look too good today"-Heejin said to me as I was passing her table. 

"Yeah, is everything ok? you look like you freshly stepped out of a grave"- Hyunjin said in a slightly sarcastic tone, but I could feel that she was not being entirely ironic with her words, she really did care for my well-being. 

"I'm fine, it's just that this last weekend was really eventful, and coming back to work on Monday as if nothing changed is a little underwhelming"- I replied with a yawn. 

"What could change so much in two days, though?"- Heejin asked. 

"A lot, my friends, trust me"- I suddenly heard someone say from behind me and turned around to see Sooyoung coming in even later than I did. 

"My god, Ha Sooyoung, you're THIS late?"- I said, my sleepiness quickly disappearing when I got the chance to tease her. 

"Oh, shut the fuck up, going back and forth on the weekend did not do me justice, I overslept"- she said as she nudged me and I could have kept pressing her, but I was in front of the same trouble, so I didn't. 

"When will you get to your tables?"- Nayeon suddenly appeared out of nowhere and spoke to me and Sooyoung. 

"Wh- where did you even come from? I swear, Unnie, you can teleport"- Sooyoung said and I slightly chuckled. 

"Good morning to you too, I guess. Seriously though, get to your tables, we've got work to do"- Nayeon said to us and we decided to comply as we waddled to our seats. 

"Good morning, you both look absolutely devastating"- Hyejoo said to us with her usual hospitality as we arrived at our given seats.

"I might have tolerated the others clowning us, but I won't tolerate a child doing the same thing"- Sooyoung said as she reached over and flicked Hyejoo's forehead. 

"Ow! what the fuck?"- the younger girl exclaimed. 

"Hey, language, young one, you're speaking to your elders. Don't be so rude"- I said with a smile, knowing that I was pissing Hyejoo off with every word, but she decided to be the bigger person and just ignored my tries to tick her off as she went back to her work, not saying anything more. 

"I can't believe that I'm more mature than the both of you combined"- she said a few minutes later when me and Sooyoung had also finally begun to focus on our work.

"Saying that might be too much of a stretch, but say what you want I guess"- Sooyoung replied as she loudly yawned.

"Jesus, this side is always chaotic but now you're all quiet. Is everything okay?"- Nayeon said as she appeared beside us. 

"Sooyoung is right, you really are teleporting"- I said as I looked at her- "everything's fine, we're just a little tired, that's all". 

"A packed weekend?"- she replied. 

"I guess you could say so. Me and Jiwoo went back to Cheongju to visit our parents and our girlfriends were nice enough to come along, Sooyoung obviously being one of them". 

"Well, look at that. I assume that they didn't like Sooyoung at all. Understandable, really"- Nayeon said as me and Hyejoo chuckled while Sooyoung scoffed loudly. 

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