Chapter Twenty Eight (Epilogue)

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*Jungeun's POV*

If anything is truly unnoticeable, then it's the passage of time.

Because, before I knew it, me and Jinsol had already been dating for almost a year.

Well, we did have a period of our fallout, but we simply act like it never happened when we count the days we spent together.

I had never imagined that my life could change so drastically in just a year, I had never imagined that I'd find my one true love in such a short period of time either. But, I guess the best things in life are quite often the ones that we never truly expect. However, my life wasn't the only one that changed. Jinsol's changes were even more drastic than mine.

First and foremost, after she completely cut off her parents, she managed to keep her apartment for a month, after which she couldn't pay the rent anymore. As much as she had gotten used to it, she concluded that it was time to let go. Obviously not wishing to leave Jinsol in the streets alone, Sooyoung offered her to live together and Jinsol had no other choice but to agree. Since Sooyoung's current apartment was too small for two people to constantly live there, they had to look for a new one and, coincidentally, a really good opportunity opened up for them two blocks away from me and Jiwoo's. So, naturally, they didn't shy away from capturing this rare chance and, after a month, they had fully moved in and began a new life together.

The fiasco that went down that night caused Jinsol to get closer to her brother. They would now meet more frequently, he even helped Sooyoung and her with the furniture when they were moving. Jinsol did lose a huge part of her family, but she got closer to the better one. Her parents did try to get back into her life a few times, calling her number endlessly and trying to find her. Luckily, they didn't know where Jinsol worked, so she simply texted them to never try to find her again and changed her number, therefore cutting them loose completely. Though she knew that she was doing the right thing, it was still painful to know that those were her parents that she had to get rid of. So, now and then, she would get sad about it, and I would always be there to calm her down.

"Baby, you know you're doing the right thing, don't you?"- I said to her the night after she changed her number.

"Yeah, I know. Of course, I do. And I have no regrets about it. But, still, it feels a little painful. Just the tiniest bit"- she replied, but I could tell that her pain was more than tiny. I pulled her into my arms, and she wrapped hers around my waist.

"I know it hurts, but, I promise, soon the pain will go away, and you'll see that all of this was for the better"- I said as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I know"- she hummed in response as she buried her head in my neck- "as long as you're with me, everything will be alright".

Much to my delight, we were both correct, since things did gradually get better for her, and seeing her genuinely happy was so delightful that I can barely even manage to put it into words.

Aside from me and Jinsol, there are lots of other people whose lives have changed throughout this period of time. To start with the closest ones, Jiwoo and Sooyoung's relationship was also moving forward at the speed of light. Sooyoung finally decided to take Jiwoo to her home and introduce her to her parents and, judging by how excited they both were when they returned, it could be safely said that it was a success. But, then again, it's impossible to dislike Jiwoo, isn't it?

Ever since Sooyoung and Jinsol moved closer to us, they met even more frequently than before. At this point, since their schedules overlapped perfectly, they spent almost every second together and, when they were apart, they made sure to text or call to fill up the space left by their absence. I could hardly believe that a relationship this serious started simply because I decided to ask Jiwoo to come along with me to the mall. So, I never failed to remind them that I was the reason behind their meeting. Every time, I'd receive a sarcastic answer from Sooyoung, or a scoff from Jiwoo. But, one time, the answer was slightly different than the usual bickering. As we were walking out of the office one evening, Sooyoung and I had been joking about something, when I, once again mentioned my accidental matchmaking.

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