Chapter Three

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The next day, our morning routine was the same. I entered the office and, this time, Nayeon was already there. 

"Jungeun!"- she spoke to me the moment she saw me walk in- "good morning, did you sleep well?"

"Morning, Nayeon-unnie. I stayed up reading for a while but, aside from that, I slept fine"- I replied. 

"Ah, of course, you did. By the way, I hope you're feeling okay after everything that happened yesterday"- she said as her tone switched to a more serious one. 

"I'm fine, really. Nothing happened, thanks to you and..."- I stopped, not knowing if I should mention her name at the office or not-" and your partner. Speaking of which, did you guys reconcile after your fight? I'm sorry, but I accidentally overheard a small part of your conversation yesterday and it seemed a little tense". 

"Oh, yeah, we did. After we dropped you off, we decided to relax and talk to each other in a civil manner and the argument finally came to a halt. So, everything is okay now"- she said as her face curled into a little smile. I couldn't help but think that a conversation wasn't the only thing that took place yesterday. 

"Well, in any case"- she continued speaking- "enough chatting, we should get back to work. Now, go take your seat". 

"Ah, you can't forget about our job for more than five minutes. But, fine, I'll go"- I said and walked to my seat. 

"Morning, miss Kim"- Sooyoung spoke to me as she realized that I had arrived- "punctual, as usual".

"Yeah, yeah, keep teasing me, miss Ha"- I replied. I didn't know Sooyoung too well, but I could say that our relationship was a good one. I could even call her something like a friend since we often gossiped and even went out together a few times. 

"Well, Jungeun, since the weekend is coming along, I was thinking of going shopping"- Sooyoung suddenly spoke in an informal tone- "do you maybe want to come along?".

"Hmmm... Saturday shopping, huh? Doesn't sound too bad. Besides, it's payday anyway. But, I can't go out without Jiwoo, I promised to spend at least one day of the weekend with her"- I replied.

"Jiwoo?"- Sooyoung said. 

"Oh, that's my flatmate and best friend". 

"Well, she can come along too, if she'll want to. In any case, let me know your answer today".

"Alright, I'll ask her when I get home"- I said, and then we went back to work. After a few hours, lunch break finally arrived and me and Sooyoung stood up immediately, not willing to waste any time of our precious free time, and went outside. 

"God, office jobs suck"- Sooyoung said when we were outside, as she was lighting a cigarette- "you want one?"

"No, thanks, I'm not going to willingly turn my lungs into dust"- I replied in a more or less harsh tone- "you shouldn't be doing that either". 

"Jeez, you have a special talent in sounding like a grandma. For the record, Kim Jungeun, I know that it's bad, I just can't get rid of it. A habit, you know?"- the taller girl spoke as she took another hit. 

"A really, really harmful one, Ha Sooyoung"- I said to her. 

"Jeez, you guys don't waste even a second of the break now, do you?"- Hyunjin, another coworker of ours, joined our conversation.

"Nope, we don't. And you shouldn't either, Kim Hyunjin"- Sooyoung said as she handed Hyunjin, who was also a smoker, a lighter.

"Thanks"- the black-haired girl said as she lit her cigarette- "well, should we get lunch together since we're already out?"

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