Chapter Nine

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*Jungeun's POV*

We were still walking and talking about something when my phone began to ring. I looked at the screen and saw Jiwoo's name. 

"Hey, Jiwoo? did you not get my text? I said I'd be late today"- I said immediately when I picked up. 

"I did read it, but I actually happened to be late today as well. I couldn't reply because I was busy at work and I just came back. Will you be home soon?"- she asked. 

"Oh... well, you see, I'm not alone".

"Oh?"- her tone suddenly switched from tired to curious- "who are you with? could it be that you're out with a certain tall girl that you've fallen for?".

"Jiwoo, you- ugh. Yes. I'm with Jinsol"- I answered and looked at Jinsol, who clearly heard what Jiwoo said to me as she had a small smirk on her face. 

"Well, why don't you bring her over for dinner? If what she eats is anywhere close to what Sooyoung eats, then some homemade cooking wouldn't hurt her"- Jiwoo suggested and I looked at Jinsol, as I knew that she could hear what Jiwoo was saying. 

"Hmm... okay, sure, why not, it really wouldn't hurt me to have some normal food for once"- Jinsol said and I could hear Jiwoo squeal from happiness, which hurt my ear a little bit. 

"Okay then, lovebirds, I'll be expecting you soon!"- she said and immediately dropped the call as she realized that my reaction to the word "lovebirds" wouldn't be too good. The moment the call ended, Jinsol looked at me with her usual playful expression and said: 

"So, I'm a certain tall girl that you've fallen for?"- she said in a teasing tone. 

"Don't make me call Jiwoo and tell her that you're not coming, Jung Jinsol". 

"HEY! okay, fine... ah, you're so sensitive, Kim Jungeun"- she said as we were walking to the bus stop. 

"Tell me something new"- I replied and heard her chuckle, which made me smile a bit as well. 


The moment we walked into the apartment, I heard Jiwoo's voice coming from the kitchen: 

"Jungeunnie! Jinsol! I've been waiting for a while now, come quickly, everything is almost set". 

"We're on our way, Jiwoo"- I answered and looked at Jinsol who was a little confused because she had never been here before- "follow me"- I said as I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and she came along.  When we were both done, I gestured for her to go into the kitchen and rushed to my room to change into something more comfortable. When I entered the kitchen, I saw them already sitting at the table and talking about something. 

"No way! you can't be for real!"- Jiwoo was saying to Jinsol and also loudly giggling. 

"I'm telling you, everything I say is for real, I've known her for almost her whole life"- Jinsol replied, also smiling, and I couldn't help but feel my heart getting warmer by seeing the two of them getting along. 

"What are you guys talking about?"- I said as I sat down as well. 

"Jinsol was telling me about how Sooyoung was when they were younger and I can't believe it"- Jiwoo said and burst into laughter again. 

"Come on, it's not that unrealistic! you see, Jungeun, Sooyoung used to be extremely shy. I think that she's a bit shy now as well, but it used to be really bad at the time. So, because of that, she wouldn't really talk to people and that made her seem very intimidating. People were slightly afraid of her and that caused her to be really sad because she was worried about not being able to make friends because of her personality"- Jinsol explained.

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