Chapter Four

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I woke up at around 1 PM, realizing that I did not even remember the last time I was able to sleep this well. I laid in my bed for a little while, not wanting to get up, but then decided to finally go and make some breakfast. There is only one thing that  I can properly cook on the planet, and that is french toast, which happens to be the perfect breakfast meal. So, since I woke up before Jiwoo, I decided to make some for both of us. 

I started mixing the ingredients, which were basically eggs, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla. I then proceeded to soak the slices of bread in the mixture from both sides, after which I put the slices on a pan and waited until I deemed them cooked well enough. I then put some syrup, blueberries and a few banana slices on the bread and, just around the time I was done with serving and was pouring hot coffee for us, Jiwoo walked into the kitchen. 

"Good morning, sleepyhead"- I said to her as she walked in, yawning loudly. 

"Good morn- Woah!"- she said as she saw the food on the table- "I can't believe this, you actually made your famous french toast! I haven't eaten this in ages. Ahh! Quickly, let's sit down"- she said and rushed to the table, so I followed her and sat down as well. We began to eat and she seemed to be really enjoying herself. 

"How do you like your breakfast?"- I asked as I noticed that she had finished eating her bread.

"It was so good, Jungeun, I didn't expect you to do this today. I didn't even expect you to be awake before me. I'll have to cook you something delicious tomorrow morning"- she replied and then sipped on her coffee. 

"I'm glad you liked it. By the way, it's almost 1:30 and we're not even dressed yet. If we want to make it to the mall at 3, we'll have to be at the bus stop at around, let's say... 2:30?"

"Yeah, you're right, otherwise we'll be late. Have you decided on what you want to wear, Jungeun? Please don't tell me that you're going to be choosing now. It takes hours"- Jiwoo whined. 

"Well, I haven't picked anything out yet but I promise I'll do it quickly. In fact, I'm starting now"- I quickly drank what was left of my coffee and rushed to my room, desperately trying to pick out something decent quickly. It still took me thirty minutes, but I managed to find a combination I liked, which was a white knitted sweater and light-colored high-waisted jeans. I quickly slipped into my clothes and rushed to the bathroom, as I had realized that I hadn't brushed my teeth yet. I did so, then put on some light makeup, and, at 2:25, I was ready and set to go downstairs.

"It took you long enough! come on, quickly, we'll miss the bus"- Jiwoo said to me in an irritated tone, as she was waiting for me to exit so that she could lock the door behind me. By some miracle, we somehow managed to be on the bus on time. 

"Did you even check with your coworker if everything is still in motion? maybe something came along and she had to cancel but forgot to call you"- Jiwoo said to me as we were sitting opposite from each other. 

"Jiwoo, trust me, Ha Sooyoung never cancels her plans and, if she does, she will absolutely call you and let you know. She's responsible enough to do that"- I assured her-" by the way, she mentioned that she might bring along a friend as well. I wonder who that could be".

"Do you not know any of her friends?"- Jiwoo asked.

"Nope. Before today, our relationship did not go past work. If we went out, it was always only the two of us, or some of our coworkers joining. We've never had a case of meeting each other's friends in the past. This might actually be an interesting experience- Sooyoung is nice and we get along well, so maybe this will be an opportunity to get closer"- I replied.

"Well, you will eventually need to have another friend aside from me"- Jiwoo teased me, which made me scoff at her.

"And who exactly are you friends with aside from me, Kim Jiwoo?!"

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